It's a good thing that I am generally not afraid of spiders. I went out to empty the pool skimmer baskets and when I removed the cover of the first one I was met by a huge black widow who was guarding an egg sack the size of my thumb. 
Called husband to ask if he had any poison around here...he said not that would kill her. I wander to find a brick and hope for the best. Spider squished...egg sack as well.
Husband would have just sold the house and moved.
My poor old heart can't take shocks like that any more. Sheesh...I think I need a nap.

Called husband to ask if he had any poison around here...he said not that would kill her. I wander to find a brick and hope for the best. Spider squished...egg sack as well.
Husband would have just sold the house and moved.
My poor old heart can't take shocks like that any more. Sheesh...I think I need a nap.