Mr Napolean...666!!!!!
then explain to me where did you acquire your knowledge about islam?
All those hate verses about pigs/monkeys and killing non muslims ive proven em wrong hundreds of times me a verse you dnt agree with and why in the quraan and ill explain it to you...the proper way.
Anyway why must humans ask for forgiveness?....
Humans are made with 100% freedom, we have freedom to think, freedom to act how we want.
The intelligence humans were blessed with, comes with a bad side, the bad side is jealousy. The freedom to think and innovate also brings freedom to hate and be jealous. If we didnt have this freedom, we couldnt have the intellgence and innovations to build the shit we build.
The drive to be better than the other guy (the competitive edge the capitalists like to boast about), brings innovation and jealosy, we cant have one and not the other. Because of this total freedom we are sucseptible to do what we're not supposed to do, the curiosity is what makes us sin.
God knows we were created with this fundamental flaw, but he had to create us that to give us the intellignece we possess. Thats why he has given us the option to seek forgveiness.
In islam our souls are made of 6 diffrent parts (cant remember exactly it was between 4-6), each part represents various human characteristics, animals souls have fewer parts, hence lesser intelligence, ie some animals dont have concept of humour, some do, some dont have concepts of guilt about killing etc....which is they will NOT be judged for what they do, and we will.
We have the ability to ask for forgiveness, they dont, thats why we are expected to ask for forgiveness because we WILL sin.
The quraan refers many terms to 'thats what seperates man from the beasts...'
A homosexual dog will not be judged, unlike humans he doesnt have the ability to think, 'if i fuk him/her in the ass, then his/her faeces will be the lube, full of bacteria and disease' - we do have the ability to think that, and the knowledge, aids and STD's are more common in homosexuals because of the disgusting acts they perform - thats why its forbidden, having male friends isnt forbidden for men, putting your penis inside his bumhole is.
TUT TUT Napolean666 you actually did mention the pigs and apes....pathetic.
Quote:have you even read your own book? it's the most vile and hate filled sribblings ever created. it refers to christians as pigs and jews as monkeys
Really napolean, whoever quoted you that verse did you not have the intelligence to read it for youself in a proper translation...??? you beleive it blindly without checking it? This is what i mean about poeple being educated by the media, by what you read on the internet, without checking it for youself...
let me quote you something.....
Quote:“And well you knew those among you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath. We said to them ‘Be ye apes, despised and rejected.’” (2:65)
Now your fellow hate monga bum chums would say the quraan says 'jews and christians., be ye apes and pigs', ive seen famous people, documentaries, ive just read loadsa articles again about this apes and pigs fiasco. theres another similar verse somewhere....
read the bloody verse, even better read the whole story, it talks about the 'jews', who disobeyed moses, on the day of the sabbath, its cursing those poeple who disprespected the JEWISH RELIGION, its not cursing jews and christians, but the poeple who insult their religions....who disrespected the sabbath.
and by the way, IF you ever did read a proper non hate monga translation, in the quraan, the people of the book are jews, christians and muslims, so if theres a warning about the people of the book, this refers to ALL abrahamic religions, and not just jews/christians, and the same applies to beleivers, when talked about in a good 'believers will goto heaven', this means jews and christians also.
Quote:And there are, certainly, among the PEOPLE OF THE BOOK, those who believe in God, in the revelation sent to them, bowing in humility to God. They will not sell the Signs of God for a miserable gain! For them is a reward with their Lord, and God is swift in account.
(Chapter #3, Verse #199)
Quote:9:4. (But the treaties are) not dissolved with those Pagans with whom ye have entered into alliance and who have not subsequently failed you in aught, nor aided any one against you. So fulfil your engagements with them to the end of their term: for God loves the righteous.
Quote:9:6. If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of God. and then escort him to where he can be secure. That is because they are men without knowledge.
Quote:9:5. But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
Quote:9:7. How can there be a league, before Allah and His Messenger, with the Pagans, except those with whom ye made a treaty near the sacred Mosque? As long as these stand true to you, stand ye true to them: for God doth love the righteous.
Chaptor, 9, the infamous hate it again, slowly, and not from someone who wished death to muslims.....
clearly says to muslims to honour any treaties you have with pagans (not jews or christians - PAGANS), also it says about people who honour their agreements as rightous, this includes the pagans.
Bare in mind this verse was revealed after a muslim caravan of muslims wives and children (going to pilgrimage) was attacked and women and children were killed, the quraan then clearly says IF THEY REPENT, let them go as god is most forgiving....therefore we should also be forgiving.
now when was anyone in the civilsed western world pardonned because he felt guilt for killing someone?
And your trying to tell me you werent educated on the internet? did you read and discover those verses in the quraan yourself, when you read what the anti islamists put out these days tis almost funny...but its not since the message they send is to promote murder and war - thats not a joke, ask the british soldiers.....if they enjoyed that war, about 60% of them dont agree with the war;
Ive got a friend who is a white non muslim british soldier, he killed muslims in iraq, but he was able to sit with a group of muslims and chill out with us, i had to start avoiding his calls cus he was always coming your head...that is a life/death situtation, but you dont know about reality, you know about hollywood.
Who in the west could have pictured, a british soldier, in sparkbrook (terrorist land in UK), chilling out with 5 kashmiris, an iraqi, and 3 afghans with big beards?...talking about range rovers and sean connery in the Rock....?!?!
Like i says , there NO hate verses in the quraan, refers many many times and talks good about ALL POEPLE OF THE BOOK, jews and chrisitians, and all poeple who beleive in a single creator.
and no, you dont have to learn arabic to read the quraan, just read and AUTHORISED english translation, and not a translation written by ali sina the saint and saviour of mankind.
and jesus NEVER claimed to be the son of god, i mentioned before about proper early christian books, and the true christians that live in palestine right now, those early texts talk about jesus but dont mentionh son of god, but call him a prophet, dnt mention no trinities.
its a well known fact, what you call the bible today was written by the romans, mixed with spices. They collected and burned ALL original bibles because they wanted to make christianity theirs...and not from the w as a sin punishable by death to own an original aromaic bible.
and napolean, who the fuck you think you're talking to? like a dog, you ever talk to me like face to face, on the streets, id smash your teeth and your face without thinking twice, have some respcet, i didnt insult or swear at nobody here and ive been bombarded with!?!?! can you refrain from saying fuck for more than 1 paragraph?
Dont think im a softy softy muslim like everyone else, i aint muslim, i just know about islam and the manipulation tactics poeple use to brainwash dicks like you who cant think for themselves.
If you didnt know the romans re-wrote the bible then obviously you dnt know fuk all, well known fact and your asking me for evidence, thats liem asking for evidence eggs are real....
and evolution isnt proven, its proven in your head.
2million species on earth, 99.9% have been extinnct in 3billion years, that means new species every 10 years, thats what science and math tells us, show me example of a positive genetic mutation in the last 100 years?
Einstein was the greatest bad boy scientists of our time, and my personal hero, and he beleived in god, cus he understood and studied science, and knew it was not all chance and randomness, he appreciated the elegant design of our universe?
wtf do you know compared to einstein, you tryna say your smarter than him?
you cant even look up and read for yourself something which someone you dnt even know quoted you....and you repeat it like a parrot....pigs and apes you having a fcukin laugh?
stoney lane, balsall heath, birmingham, england, come to my face and talk to me like that. call me.
ask anyone there for cho, or the garage, they will guide you to me.
i wanna hear you say that shit to my face prik.