(January 23, 2011 at 3:59 am)ziggystardust Wrote: May I ask what you are going to do, if Jesus does not return on August 7 2022?
Cudos. That's the only intelligent comment I have heard so far here. Since you nor I nor anyone can overturn the opening post, God still exists and Jesus is still God. That fact therefore will never change even if a million or a billion years went by and He still didn't return.
Actually I will know that I am wrong for the Tribulation timeline far sooner than Aug. 7, 2022 because the Temple has to be completed by the 220th day from the start of the Tribulation and the Tribulation starts Sept. 14, 2015. Sept. 14 also the day of the first rapture (Rev. 7.9). April 20, 2016 is the 220th day of the Tribulation and falls within the 4 day inspection of the lamb and red heifer for the NEW Temple on April 18, 19, 20, 21. Then Passover is on April 22, 2016 to dedicate the Temple. That leaves 2300 (Dan. 8.14) days from April 21, 2016 to Aug. 7, 2022.
At the very latest they would need to break ground for the Temple by the year 2014 so if they haven't done so by 2014 I know Jesus will not return by Aug. 7, 2022 but sometime later because it is doubtful they could get the Temple built in time then.
How quickly do you think they could build the Temple?
I still believe the Tetrad is the key revelation of it all for the return of Jesus. Since the next Total Lunar Tetrad is 2582/82 I would revert to the 7 year Tribulation at that time. It certainly would make many of the visions in Revelation more easily fittable. Imagine the technology in the 26th century.
The position I currently take is that the Bible says Jesus will return in a short while after Israel becomes a nation again. 2022 - 1948 = 74 years.
Over 600 years doesn't seem reasonable, but it is feasible because imagine Israel in the next 500 years gaining more and more land even to the Euphrates River. Israel would truly be a threat then.
But also consider the mark of the beast to buy and sell. Would it really take 500 years to get that implemented? 3986 BC to 2015 is 120 Jubilees, the 120th Jubilee. Apparently Adam (the first God-conscious soul) was born 4004 BC so he would be 18 years old in 3886 BC given the age of accountability.
Verichip which is now bought out I understand says over 2000 Americans today have the chip implant under their skin.
And I am not clear on the law passed but by 2017 I am told it should be universally used.
Also since Rev. 6.12 in addition to the H3 long-dated Solar Eclipse and Total Lunar Tetrad has an earthquake before these events, it could refer to Haitian earthquake, the 5th worst disaster in history, or there could be another earthquake in the world.
My confidence would greatly increase if 1) the US Dollar Index dropped below 50 before 2014; 2) Islam attack Israel with thousands of rockets before 2014; 3) an earthquake that is considered one of the top 5 disasters of all time before 2014.
But I can say the more I have researched the more I am convined. For example, 2582/83 has no Hybrid Solar Eclipse near it.
For example, put yourself in my shoes. There I am noticing the Tetrads and the 8th is 2014/15. I say to myself the Tribulation is 2,520 days so just blindly I will hope I get a Jewish holiday on the 2,520 day from Feast of Trumpets, and not any holiday, and low and behold I do.
It's Tisha B'Av. Amazing!
Actually it fell on the Av 10, Aug. 7, 2022 which is not Tisha B'Av normally. Av 9 is normally Tisha B'Av. But wikipedia page says that whenever Tisha B'Av is held on a Saturday, they commemorate the destruction of the 1st and 2nd Temple on Sunday instead.
Neat eh? There's more. The 1335th day is 75 days from the 1260th day. I need a signifcant date for this to work out or the whole thing is blown.
75 days more is is Oct. 21, 2022 after all 7 feasts are done. Tabernacles is from Oct. 10 to 16. I am 5 days off.
But get this. There are two Jewish holidays 17 & 18, the second is called Simchat Torah. That's when they bring the items out of the Ark of the Covenant and read the Torah Scrolls.
Applying a 4 day inspection rule again, that's Oct. 18, 19, 20, 21. Perfect.
But I had a new problem.
Revelation 6.12 also says there a unique solar eclipse in front of the Tetrad. It feels like I am throwing a hail mary at this point for how could I get luck again? Or is this divine providence?
I check the NASA website and guess what I find, the ratest of solar eclipses called a hybrid and not only that, but the rarest kind of hybrid and not only that but a long dated which is even rarer. It's right where I need it to be Nov. 3, 2013.
An earthquake goes in front of that, so it could be the Haitian earthquake which would fit, but there could be another even more devestating.
Either way we are good to go. The most important thing that is a must is the Temple needs to begin construction no later than 2014.
If you have a $100,000,000, you know what to do with it now.