Quote:then Nostradamus predicted the diameter of my anal sphincter.
Im sure he said something about it being a 3 day journy by horse to the other side.....
I never said the quraan disproves dark matter, i was basically querying its legitamacy and how so called 'men of knowledge' cant see an element of design everywhere and still fail to acknowledge the existence of a creator.
The speed of light website/author is very good, when talking about and theorising about the speed of light, but anything else, about string theories/wormholes etc i cant really agree with, maybe he was thinking too hard and too fast and trying to find a relationship with what modern scientists accept as 'fact' - but is as yet a long way from proven.
maybe there are other dimensions, and strings...but it cant be proven, therefore we cant use the quraan as reference of 'miracle/explanation' of it since it can never be proven.
The speed of light on the other hand we do know, and if you calculate the 12,000 lunar orbits divide 1 day = even without the gravity you get close to the speed.
im not the type of person that would believe anything unless there were solid facts to support it, strings and wormholes and dimensions, there will never be solid facts to support it, so as muslims, we shouldnt be referencing the quraan to these matters.
speed of light - yes
expanding universe - yes
time/light relationship/distortion - yes
theres a story, 'the night journy', where muhammed allegedly visited the heavens, he was taken on horse called 'lightning', he went to jersulum, then to heaven then to hell, he described the whole experiance as an 8-9 hour ordeal but when he got back home his bed was still warm and like he never left.
To me this correlates the relationship between light and time, he travelled at the speed of light, on a horse made of light, and time was distorted, but not just distorted, correctly distorted as the light/time theories would suggest. If you travel at the speed of light, time for everyone else around you would move more slowly, effectively virtually a standstill, where time for the traveller continues as 'normal'...
he was also said to have travelled through the various levels of heaven in his cimmunication with god, and moses and jesus. i dont think they are super imposed dimensions, theres another verse int he quraan that says when you look at night one of those stars we see is the it IS a physical place we can currently see, NOT in another dimension. same as hell...muhammed visited, hell, he described it as a massive chamber, with various levels for various types of sinners with gates and doors etc. All the 7 levels are contained within this single complex. hell is already been built and awaiting mankind somewhere in this universe, the quraan describes how on the day of judgement hell will be bought to earth for the humans to hitch a ride (people like me and you). it will have 70,000 wrens each with 70,000 angels dragging it across space towards earth.
Another not very well known hadith (not authenticated by scholars) muhammed said the fire of hell was;-
kindled for a thousands years until it became red...
then kindled for another thousand years until it became white...
then kindled for another thousands years until it became black...
fire -> red giant, white dwarf, black hole?
in terms of detecting angels gravity i dont agree with that either, angels are made from light, does light have gravity? there are also many types of angels, they are not like humans - ie one species, some angels are massive and performing tasks on a galactic level, whereas other are small and merely recording events.
Maybe there are domensions, but its not something we can use a proof for the quraan, until it is proven there are dimensions....
During the night journy- muhammed was travelling at the speed of light for 3-4 hours each way? how far in our solar system would that take you? does that mean the 'heavens' are within our solar system?
there is another verse that says mankind will travel to the heavens and beyond but they will not know it. maybe heaven could be within our solar system in these other planets, jupitor, saturn, what is actually inside these is still and always wil be a complete mystery.
there are many other scientific proofs in the quraan, some people will dismiss them as ballava, others wont, but they are more relaible to use then string theories and wormholes
ie the iron miracle
the mathematical miracles
water for all life
elements of life
thunder formation
water cycle
mountains pegs
waves within waves in the oceans
medical benefits of honey
fly carries disease in one wing and cure in the another
the list goes on.....
But to put it simplythe quraan says....
'they ask thee concerning signs from your lord, where are your proofs?
look around you, the sun, the moon, the life around you, these are the signs for men of knowledge'
By the way i just wanna say hello to Marie, why are you stalking me around in various forums?
At least in this forum people try to use their intellect to dispute others claims instead of removing my posts and then accusing me of being a fake muslim and making islam loook bad??? and this coming from a moderator on an anti islamic forum - who banned me for making islam look bad???.. when your whole life revolves around making islam look bad...then how come all those other members who swear and curse for a living aint been banned or posts not removed eh???
I repeat.... the truth is i exposed your blatant lies, your blatant misquotes and mistranslations and i explained each and every one of your accusations, made you and your pals look like the fools you are, thats why you banned me, but you cant ban me from here....maybe give the mod here a bj and a muff dive....
you can bury the truth in as much shit as you want, but when you remove the shit, the truth is still there.