(October 11, 2022 at 11:31 am)Helios Wrote: The idea that those dastardly Americans are trying to split Russia and Germany up as some grand sinister plan to take over Europe is Tom Clancy-level absurd.
Absurd, indeed. Russia and Germany never were "close up" after the cold war, as so many want to portray it. Of course the usual BS and conspiracy peddlers dont want to hear this, because its the foundation of their unwarranted political "theories".
Firstoff some term(s) must be cleared:
In Germany and EU, during the cold war (ca. post 1970, with the advent of social democrat admins), there was a policy of "Wandel durch Handel" with the Soviet union. The theory behind this is to bind both parties economically together (because of ideological differences), so especially the militarily stronger party (CCCP) would be kept from having any stupid ideas about military agression, and in the (naive or not, ymmv) hopes of better understanding.
Historical context at the turn of the millenium:
Gerhard Schröders politically left admin originally triggered the "Energiewende"*, the turn towards renewable energy in the early 2000s. This was reversed by Merkel, combined with turning towards Russia (since 2005). What was Merkels motivation(s) and view of the situation? Well, lets have Merkel comment herself on this, from an interview she gave in June 2022.
Paraphrasing (google and translate yourself. Not gonna waste too much of my time for willful ignorant people who are gonna claim anyway, that she was controlled by Obama/CIA or whatever):
She never believed in "Wandel durch Handel" she said**, but in connection through trade, with the second most powerful nuclear power on the planet, which is more than a silent admission that she knew exactly what kind of person/regime she had to deal with. She was confident though that she could handle Putin, but admitted that towards the end of her chancellorship (December 2021)*** her influence on him waned.
As for why she nevertheless took the risk of dealing so tightly with him: It was a business decision, she said. Russian gas was cheaper than Quatar, UAE or even USA.
* Ironbically Schröder is deeply "involved" in Nordstream and Rosneft (board of directors in both). He quit Rosneft in order to avoid being sanctioned by EU like a russian oligarch. He rejected nomination for board of directors for Gazprom and is one of Putins best personal friends, for which Schröder catches MASSIVE flak at home currently.
Of course you wont hear the usual suspects spinning "theories" about how Schröder was instrumental to forming the current situation with these glaring conflicts of interest (particularly Gazprom towards the end of his chancellorship).
** She is from eastern Germany and probably knew quite well what drives someone like Putin, who grew up on the other side of the iron curtain as well, and how he would personally take the loss of the Soviet empire (doesnt need a genius tho. Putin said it himself: He said the demise of the CCCP was the biggest tragedy of the 20th century. Need we know ANYthing more?)
*** and as we all know, Russia invaded Ukraine less than 6 months later. Reminds me a bit of Bismarck being sacked by Wilhelm II and making a prediction.