New Guy here
For a better understanding of religious People from US i have chosen this Forum here, hoping the majority of Users are from te US . Working near a US Army Installation here in Germany i am dealing with a lot of people from the US asking me Questions about this and that on a Daily basis.
I am glad to help in any way i can - but today i a Family of 5 was in our Shop, getting their car released after shipping from the US and after that asking me about where they can go " for Sunday Service"
Sooo,i did not get that straight right away, telling them almost all stores in Germany are closed sundays ....
The Women than said " no, i mean church service "
I did not know what to answer, me knowing nothing about churches, not even where one might be located. I did a quick google search - in german language - just to see that the next church still operating is about one hour drive from here.
" how can that be ? " She said - with a disappointed look on her face...." You should know better ! "
When i told her that i really dont know, that i have never been to a church nor i do know people who have been or wich i can ask....
They all left te Office mumbling to eachother....
Now i begin to understand that this might be an issue for a lot of people from the US.
For a better understanding of religious People from US i have chosen this Forum here, hoping the majority of Users are from te US . Working near a US Army Installation here in Germany i am dealing with a lot of people from the US asking me Questions about this and that on a Daily basis.
I am glad to help in any way i can - but today i a Family of 5 was in our Shop, getting their car released after shipping from the US and after that asking me about where they can go " for Sunday Service"
Sooo,i did not get that straight right away, telling them almost all stores in Germany are closed sundays ....
The Women than said " no, i mean church service "
I did not know what to answer, me knowing nothing about churches, not even where one might be located. I did a quick google search - in german language - just to see that the next church still operating is about one hour drive from here.
" how can that be ? " She said - with a disappointed look on her face...." You should know better ! "
When i told her that i really dont know, that i have never been to a church nor i do know people who have been or wich i can ask....
They all left te Office mumbling to eachother....
Now i begin to understand that this might be an issue for a lot of people from the US.