Hello All,
So, I was thinking that maybe we can have some fun here and I wanted to start this thread and just see how it goes.
The idea is to Ask your Religious friends a question. The questions will be on the topic of their faith and beliefs.
The questions will be answered by any and all believers who so chose to do so. It is not just for the Christians, but for any religion. I only ask that we be civil and respectful to one another and that any question can be answered by any believer, but it must only be answered by a believer of the specific religion being questioned.
For example, a Christian will not answer a question about Islam, etc.
I hope this can bring us all to a better understanding of each other personally and our beliefs or non-beliefs.
I will start off with an easy question that I have been asked in the past by people online.
What does your name Johndoe122931 mean?
John Doe is a character in a movie that I found very interesting. The movie was Seven with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, the antagonist was played by Kevin Spacey, whose name in the movie was John Doe. I also chose this name for anonymity. The numbers 122931 are from the Bible, Mark 12:29-31. It is a very important verse to me personally.
So, there we go, if any are interested let’s get started!
So, I was thinking that maybe we can have some fun here and I wanted to start this thread and just see how it goes.
The idea is to Ask your Religious friends a question. The questions will be on the topic of their faith and beliefs.
The questions will be answered by any and all believers who so chose to do so. It is not just for the Christians, but for any religion. I only ask that we be civil and respectful to one another and that any question can be answered by any believer, but it must only be answered by a believer of the specific religion being questioned.
For example, a Christian will not answer a question about Islam, etc.
I hope this can bring us all to a better understanding of each other personally and our beliefs or non-beliefs.
I will start off with an easy question that I have been asked in the past by people online.
What does your name Johndoe122931 mean?
John Doe is a character in a movie that I found very interesting. The movie was Seven with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, the antagonist was played by Kevin Spacey, whose name in the movie was John Doe. I also chose this name for anonymity. The numbers 122931 are from the Bible, Mark 12:29-31. It is a very important verse to me personally.
So, there we go, if any are interested let’s get started!