I will spike the ball HEALTH CARE UPHELD!
June 28, 2012 at 10:24 am
(This post was last modified: June 28, 2012 at 11:20 am by Brian37.)
The health care act that Obama and Democrats put forth, while not perfect, was UPHELD by the Supreme Court! I really didn't see this coming. I thought like most that it would go down because of the divided court leaning right.
But now what are the right wingnuts going to do now that their own on the bench didn't side with them>
FINALLY a victory for the middle class and poor.
I soooo want to see Rush bitch about this, he is going to become a frothing madman worthy of a straight jacket!
Not so sure now, listing to the news, it almost sounds like they upheld the law, but cut the nuts off it.
The mandate is in tact, AND the states cannot reduce medicade if they opt out, and there is a penalty if you don't buy in, but said it was only on paper and you would not go to jail if you didn't buy in.
SO is this a win or not?
Other comments on other boards are saying this will only be a boon for the insurance companies. I don't know. I am not going to put it past them, most uber rich who only care about money always find and or create a loophole to screw the rest of us.
So it depends on us to make it work and defend it, and be willing to dump it if all it does is make things worse.
Just hearing a complaint on TV from a republican that it will "kill job creators"
i AM SO sick of the business owners thinking they create jobs. NO if the people that buy at a business don't have the money to buy anything, you the business owner don't have a reason to hire more people.
THE MIDDLE CLASS AND WORKING POOR ARE THE JOB CREATORS, the more we make the more we spend, the more we spend the more YOU benefit, thus the more incentive to hire.
If you uber dickhead corporate types would pull your heads out of your ass, you would see that the more you give DIRECTLY to the worker to make their lives stable, and the more time they have with their families and the more they can educate their kids, the more money they have in their pockets the less they have to turn to government for help.
There is nothing wrong with wealth, but right now it suffers as a climate, a severe lack of introspection.
But no more holding us hostage and blackmailing the middle and working poor with loss of jobs just to maintain your profits. When we have money we buy things, when we buy things, you hire people. WE NOT YOU are the job creators.
All the rest of us want, the bottom 99 percent is for you to stop bullying us into taking less just so you can have more.
But now what are the right wingnuts going to do now that their own on the bench didn't side with them>
FINALLY a victory for the middle class and poor.
I soooo want to see Rush bitch about this, he is going to become a frothing madman worthy of a straight jacket!
Not so sure now, listing to the news, it almost sounds like they upheld the law, but cut the nuts off it.
The mandate is in tact, AND the states cannot reduce medicade if they opt out, and there is a penalty if you don't buy in, but said it was only on paper and you would not go to jail if you didn't buy in.
SO is this a win or not?
Other comments on other boards are saying this will only be a boon for the insurance companies. I don't know. I am not going to put it past them, most uber rich who only care about money always find and or create a loophole to screw the rest of us.
So it depends on us to make it work and defend it, and be willing to dump it if all it does is make things worse.
Just hearing a complaint on TV from a republican that it will "kill job creators"
i AM SO sick of the business owners thinking they create jobs. NO if the people that buy at a business don't have the money to buy anything, you the business owner don't have a reason to hire more people.
THE MIDDLE CLASS AND WORKING POOR ARE THE JOB CREATORS, the more we make the more we spend, the more we spend the more YOU benefit, thus the more incentive to hire.
If you uber dickhead corporate types would pull your heads out of your ass, you would see that the more you give DIRECTLY to the worker to make their lives stable, and the more time they have with their families and the more they can educate their kids, the more money they have in their pockets the less they have to turn to government for help.
There is nothing wrong with wealth, but right now it suffers as a climate, a severe lack of introspection.
But no more holding us hostage and blackmailing the middle and working poor with loss of jobs just to maintain your profits. When we have money we buy things, when we buy things, you hire people. WE NOT YOU are the job creators.
All the rest of us want, the bottom 99 percent is for you to stop bullying us into taking less just so you can have more.