(March 3, 2013 at 1:42 pm)AtcAtheist Wrote: No one knows anything. There are not enough facts to prove anything, and definitely not enough records to know who wrote the majority of the bible. Just because someone in those days wrote something and signed it John doesn't mean it was John the Baptist...
Wow, no wonder you don't believe. Atc - as I said you need to address the evidence that you're presented with, what we're given, not make straw man arguments.
1. John the Baptist is a different character to John the Apostle. No one has ever suggested that he wrote the Gospel of John.
2. It is not signed with the author's name - a fact you're either unaware of or you have ignored in favour of your straw man.
3. You didn't bother saying a thing on the evidence of John's authorship - the evidence being that John doesn't use his name, but rather consistently uses the phrase "the disciple whom Jesus loved" to describe himself.
Quote:90% of the population around that time was illiterate.
Anthoer figure you've pulled from your arse.
Quote:Jesus's disciples were lower-class, illiterate(Acts 4:13), Aramaic-speaking peasants from Galilee.
Whoever wrote the bible were highly-educated, Greek-speaking Christians, who probably lived outside Palestine.
Every one of Paul's epistles was written by scribes and not by Paul. Why wouldn't it be the case that the lengthier Gospels were likely also written by scribes?
Quote:How do we know the story of Jesus isn't just a rehashed version of the Egyptian god Horus, which came way before Jesus...
![[Image: image_zps091f2674.jpg]](https://images.weserv.nl/?url=img.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fv44%2Fdossjunk%2Freligion%2Fimage_zps091f2674.jpg)
Oh well done,

! Did you get that list from Gerald Massey?
So you don't believe accounts written 2,000 years agro from reliable sources, but you believe Gerald Massey who dreamt up a bunch of bullshit and put it into a book? Isis was a virgin? The Egyptian legend says that her
husband, Osiris, was assonated by being sealed in a box (ie a coffin), and then thrown in the Nile. Isis retrieves it, opens it and Osiris is already dead.
There is a version of the myth that says after this she uses a spell she learned from her father to bring him back to life so that he could impregnate her, after which he dies again. So the "resurrection account" to which you're referring isn't Horus, it's Osiris. And FYI he wasn't
In the earliest myths, Horus is the
brother of Isis and Osiris. Later he becomes their son as per the myth I cited above.
There is only one known account of Horus's death. He dies from the sting of a scorpion and later he is brought back to life (like most of the other Egyptian gods were). Crucifixion didn't even exist 5,000 years ago in Egypt.
There are over 2,000 Egyptian deities, and it was Massey's claim that that Jesus is a compilation of characteristics from some of those 2,000 (which isn't hard with such a large pool of gods). However, he was wrong, intentionally dishonest, and misleading about many of those things, as well as the fact that you and others have taken his book and then claimed that all the characteristics of Jesus are from just one Egyptian god - Horus. Though this is never Massey's claim.
"Eastern star led three wise men to him when he was born"
Please cite a reference I'm not aware of Horus having his birth heralded by a star or by an angel. Also, in no account do "wise men" come to Horus - that I'm aware of - rather three Egyptian deities come. But you didn't claim that he was visited by deities, you claimed he was visited by three wise men, so I want to see your reference for this.
"Baptized by Anup the Baptizer at 30"
Anup is never - to my knowledge - mentioned in ANY of the accounts of Horus at all. So again, provide a reference for your claim because as far as I can see, Horus is never baptized by anyone at anytime in any ancient Egyptian accounts.
"Had 12 disciples"
Again, where is your reference to this, because there is no account of Horus that has him teaching 12 disciples.
"Performed miracles and walked on water"
Well of course he "performed miracles" he's an Egyptian deity, but again you've failed to deliver a truthful or honest account of the myths of Horus. Provide a reference to an account where Horus walks on water, because as far as I know he didn't. Massey made the connection with an account of Oannes - NOT with Horus.
"Raised El-Azur-us from the dead"
Once again, you provide another baseless claim. Horus never raises anyone from the dead - show me an Egyptian myth where he does??
"Was transfigured on a mount"
Again, provide a reference, there is no transfiguration account of Horus.
"Crucified, buried in a tomb and resurrected"
Well I've already explained that Horus wasn't crucified. He also was never resurrected (unless you're referring to the scorpion thing). I haven’t seen an account that has him being buried in a tomb either, so if you'd like to enlighten me on this I'm all ears.
For someone who supposedly doesn't like BS, you sure just made a lot of totally bullshit claims there.