I'm sure you're all aware of the lies and lunacies of Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron. Like all creationists, they say "this looks like creation, therefore it had to have a creator", and they claim evolution is false, yet they don't know a single thing about evolution.
Well, today I was reading a great book called" The Science of Evolution and the Myth of Creationism" by biologist Ardea Skybreak, and there is a section on human imperfections. Kirk and Ray claim that human beings are made perfect in God's image. Well, listen to this informative passage about biological imperfections:
Human beings are prone to back and hip pain and a number of other related ailments because the alignment of our skeletons is not "perfectly designed" for upright walking. Which do you think is more likely: that some all-knowing and all-powerful god did downright shoddy work, or that our skeletons are imperfect simply because we were "built" (by well-known and observable evolutionary mechanisms such as natural selection) out of the skeletons of our ancestor species, going back to the ones that walked on all fours?
Then the book continues with another example, this one concerning the human wind pipe and eating:
Human beings also have a dangerous tendency to choke on food: this has something to do with the fact that, in the back of our throats, the passage that air follows to get to the lungs actually crosses the path that food follows to get to the stomach. This would be an example of a really stupid (or perversely sadistic) design if a god had actually designed it that way.
The book goes on to say the reason our windpipes and throats are set up the way they are is because our distant ancestors were sea creatures who eventually reproduced and grew to live on land. This feature, like everything in human anatomy, comes from the evolution of our bodies.
Yet, despite the biological facts about evolutionary human development and human imperfections, Kirk and Ray still insist that God is omnipotent, and people are made perfectly in his image.
If Ray and Kirk are correct, then God is obviously a fool who is bad at what he does. Why has God given us such crappy bodies that are prone to choking and back pain? If our present bodies are as good as God can do, then frankly, God sucks. God also did not create Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron perfectly in his image; those two are about as imperfect as you can get.
It really is true that religions are primitive and illogical. Back in the days before people had scientific knowledge and resources to conduct field research and experiments, people made up fantasy stories just like those found in the Holy Bible. In the Old Testament, God created humans and vegetation in one fell swoop. When in reality, human beings are Homo Sapiens who are close relatives of African apes, who evolved over millions of years. Researchers know this because they dug up transitional fossils, the youngest of which they found buried higher up in the earth, and the oldest of which were buried deeper down in the earth. By analyzing these transitional fossils, scientists are able to build family trees that indicate when a certain species branched off into another. Vegetation was in fact created by humans when the Agricultural Revolution started, and still goes on today.
Well, today I was reading a great book called" The Science of Evolution and the Myth of Creationism" by biologist Ardea Skybreak, and there is a section on human imperfections. Kirk and Ray claim that human beings are made perfect in God's image. Well, listen to this informative passage about biological imperfections:
Human beings are prone to back and hip pain and a number of other related ailments because the alignment of our skeletons is not "perfectly designed" for upright walking. Which do you think is more likely: that some all-knowing and all-powerful god did downright shoddy work, or that our skeletons are imperfect simply because we were "built" (by well-known and observable evolutionary mechanisms such as natural selection) out of the skeletons of our ancestor species, going back to the ones that walked on all fours?
Then the book continues with another example, this one concerning the human wind pipe and eating:
Human beings also have a dangerous tendency to choke on food: this has something to do with the fact that, in the back of our throats, the passage that air follows to get to the lungs actually crosses the path that food follows to get to the stomach. This would be an example of a really stupid (or perversely sadistic) design if a god had actually designed it that way.
The book goes on to say the reason our windpipes and throats are set up the way they are is because our distant ancestors were sea creatures who eventually reproduced and grew to live on land. This feature, like everything in human anatomy, comes from the evolution of our bodies.
Yet, despite the biological facts about evolutionary human development and human imperfections, Kirk and Ray still insist that God is omnipotent, and people are made perfectly in his image.
If Ray and Kirk are correct, then God is obviously a fool who is bad at what he does. Why has God given us such crappy bodies that are prone to choking and back pain? If our present bodies are as good as God can do, then frankly, God sucks. God also did not create Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron perfectly in his image; those two are about as imperfect as you can get.
It really is true that religions are primitive and illogical. Back in the days before people had scientific knowledge and resources to conduct field research and experiments, people made up fantasy stories just like those found in the Holy Bible. In the Old Testament, God created humans and vegetation in one fell swoop. When in reality, human beings are Homo Sapiens who are close relatives of African apes, who evolved over millions of years. Researchers know this because they dug up transitional fossils, the youngest of which they found buried higher up in the earth, and the oldest of which were buried deeper down in the earth. By analyzing these transitional fossils, scientists are able to build family trees that indicate when a certain species branched off into another. Vegetation was in fact created by humans when the Agricultural Revolution started, and still goes on today.