RE: Do atheists fake egalitarianism?
May 26, 2015 at 8:29 pm
Very good thread. I was thoroughly entertained.
And now...for some of my observations. (You thought I was going to say, "And now for something completely different," didn't you?)
1. I know that the OP is banned. Even though he will never see what my response was, maybe this will serve as advice to others who will make the same argument he/she did.
2. The OP of this thread made several mistakes and assumptions in his/her argument. Those have been already painstakingly and thoughtfully pointed out. Good job participants! If anyone who accepts the OP's paradigm has any doubts, I point to all of the above for your reading enjoyment.
3. The OP assumed that the part of the U.S. Constitution which states "We hold these truths, that all men are Created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights..." is a Christian notion. It is most certainly not. The FACT is, that particular statement is a DEIST statement. If anyone does not think so, look it up. If after that anyone still thinks that it is a Christian statement, then that person is just being a willfully ignorant dumbass.
4. Willful ignorance is nothing to be proud of. See point number 3 above.
5. The OP was trying to impose the Christian God upon his argument through insinuated Intelligent Design. ID makes for very poor philosophy, let alone science.
6. Assuming that the Christian God exists and that he/she/ he-she/it is responsible for creating people as equals, then judging from the Old Testament, which attests the following:
a) God, who is his own father and son (Jesus) is the same yesterday, today, and forever more (Hebrews 13:8).
b) God destroyed humanity in a Great Flood. (Genesis 6:9-9:17)
c) God told Joshua to destroy the Canaanites (Deutoronomy 20; Joshua 6)
d) Based on archaeological, historical, and genetic studies, the Canaanites and the Hebrews are the same people and shared similar religious expressions
(see: ; ; PDF-- ;
the conclusion is that since the Judeo-Christian God is the same character/personality in 6,000 BCE, 1200 BCE, 300 CE and today in modern times (assuming that he/she/she-he/it
exists) and has destroyed individuals, people, and nations for no good reason, then this deity has been a prick yesterday, today, and forevermore, and is not deserving of worship.
7. The OP attempt at carrying an intelligent useful discussion that everyone can learn from is an epic fail, simply for the very reason that the OP did not intend to learn anything from this discussion.
This has been Secular Elf. Good day.