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Biblical Christianity 101, a study of the book of Romans
RE: Biblical Christianity 101, a study of the book of Romans
(November 12, 2015 at 8:29 pm)ChadWooters Wrote:
(November 12, 2015 at 7:44 pm)KevinM1 Wrote: But, see, I'm not interested in A/S/King
Then perhaps you could content yourself with the Ass-King.

You are the one who craves the cock of your imaginary king in your ass.
RE: Biblical Christianity 101, a study of the book of Romans
Ref: Post #524:

That's one way to kill a response. Just post five miles of BS.
RE: Biblical Christianity 101, a study of the book of Romans
(November 12, 2015 at 3:37 pm)jenny1972 Wrote: [quote='Drich' pid='1111586' dateline='1447336730']
Like what? What offers a personal relationship between the believer and their God? Aside from satanism I don't know of anyothers that offer what Christianity offers with their deity, again unless the people were being exploited, prophets or emmesarries.

Now Is that religion now considered to be a 'dead religion?' finally Ask yourself why, and why is Christianity still going strong after making the same promise?

It's not the claim, it is the fulfillment of said claim that makes a religion true.
Again, non of which can be verified in this life aside from Christianity.
Every single reference you made is out of context. in each case their is a qualifier to "asking in prayer" that you have intentionally left out. Put these verses back in context and the discussion can continue.
Again context.Who was Jesus speaking to?

What do you think the book of Revelation is? (It is a visual account of the "Son of man" Comming in glory) Who wrote Revelation? (The Apostle In whom Jesus Loved/John) Did He write it before or after he died? I'll let you figure that one out.

What else you got?
Quote:why should people take johns hallucination and presume its from God and not the result of lying or drug or a result of some other factor you are literally taking this persons account as truth
Because it fulfills Jesus' prophecy completely. And it coroborates with the 70th week of Daniel of the book of Daniel.(Another prophesy of the last days.) Remember John was not a Jewish Priest, and would not have had access to the sacred scrolls especially on the prison island of patmos where he was sent to die/had the visions.

Quote: noone else saw this but him he was not an unbiased witness
What was his stake/bias in this? He wanted the world to end?

Quote: , how do you know it happened 2000+yrs ago
Second century Christian writers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Melito the bishop of Sardis, and Clement of Alexandria and the author of the Muratorian fragment identify John the Apostle as the "John" of Revelation.[1]

So the above said the historans/writters mentioned from the second century discuss the book and identify John the Apostle as it author.

Quote:how do you know these people are reliable that it wasnt you are basing your entire religious faith on the testomony of a person
because 4 seperate and independent historical writters of the 2nd century identify the book and it's author. What other field of study would have such a confirmation less than 100 years from an even by 4 seperate people and it be questioned? We know more about this book than about any of the 'great greek philosphers' and their works, and none of that is ever questioned. That is why i said to question the NT is to question ALL of Ancient History, because we have far more proof/Manuscipts of the NT than any other book.
Quote:, why should anyone trust any of it  because its come true ? ummm nooo
Again this book paralells the book of Daniel, and Daniel wrote of other time periods that did indeed come true. Part of this book has come true as well. The big one is the reunification of the Nation of Israel. At the time the Jews had just been completely wipped out, everything they had was destroyed so badly and so many were killed many thought the nation of israel was done forever.

It also says the battle of Armageddon will be fought in the valley/city of megdo. Which at the time was a very popular trade city that many wars were fought over.. but in modern times has all but been deemed as usless land. Many bockers said we would never have a reason to fight there. then earlier this year the Jews found oil there. Not just large amount, but 10x more oil than any other place in that region. Now, the Jews lay claim to the land because it is with in thier borders. But, so do the Syrians because they use to own it (pre WWII) and Russia is backing Syria (not for free) And Russia could easily be described as "The great army of the east that fielded over a million men against the jews." This was the trigger point that made God step in.. So their that.

Quote:it has not do you realize the book or revelations hallucination
So? Not So John had a vision, So what what you want to call it. You identification of John's experienced can be trivialized anyway you want, but bottom line is the content comming true or not. So far the answer is yes. We can see the major chess pieces being placed on the board for that final game just as he has described it.
With no special intrepretation or filter needed.
Quote: that john had is responsible for confusion among people you know by the fruits , do you even know how many dooms day cults and predictions and people who are upeople anyone care about the details of fairy tales that seems like a waste of time
What people say and do with John's work is not fruit of John. it is the fruit of those who twist the words or take avantage of John's descriptions for their own gain who are at fault here.

Quote: if it is true then of course youd want to study it but to determine if something is true to need investigate IF its from God and then if the testomony hasnt been corrupted by church politics and human error is perception and memory the gospels were written from the memory of his followers who were influenced by their culture as much as any other person is
click the link I provided we have texts of revelation from the first century.. so who is changing what if it can be verified?

Quote:your religion direct access to God only through jesus so jesus serves as the go between and so really no you dont have direct direct access to God through your religion ,
Again The access is directly to the Holy Spirit which is God by defination. Jesus sacrifice made the atonement needed possible.
Quote: why is your religion true and others not true
Again as i have said like 10 times in this thread, ALL other religions make promises that can not be verified till the next life. They are all Faith Only. Meaning one believes only in faith. Christianity is faith based, but only in so far as a mustard seed's worth a faith (the tiniest amount.) If one can take that tiny amount of faith and plant it where Jesus told us to plant it, God Parks Himself in the middle of your life. So faith turn to belief, and belief is based off of personal experience and things your witness and are apart of. Meaning your belief can be verified in this life. If you belief is indeed verified then that makes the bible true, Which the bible tells us all other religions are false.
Quote:what has convinced you cant say because everything has come to pass because they have not 
when I say their are promises in the bible I am not talking about general world prophesy. I am talking about personal promises God makes to his followers. ANYONE can take God up on his offer. I most certainly am no one special, and I got what was promised.
Quote:catholics for example and  catholocism is the base of all christianity
That's the thing. It's/they are not. Jesus is, and Jesus' teachings are way, way different than what the catholic church teaches.

The Roman Catholic Church is the father of Doctrinal Christianity. Meaning they are responsible for the idea that a religion or religious movement is the way to salvation/Their is only one 'correct' version of Christianity and they are it. Again this is the exact oppsite of what Jesus taught and what the apostles taught. Jesus said He was the only way to the Father not some church/religion. The apostles taught the same, and set up churches based on what they people in a given region could understand. Meaning every church had a different doctrine or set of rules governing it, based on what the people in that region could understand of the freedom offered by God, and not be temped to sin with this freedom.

That is in stark contrast to the uniformed homogenized system of worship provided by all doctrinal worship churches. Biblical Christianity/Christ's Christianity puts Christ in command of who is and is not christian based on their exposure to scripture, and what it is they can personally phathom of it (This was all demonstrated in the parable of the talents.)
Quote:you need a priest or clergy appointed by God as a middleman
ROFLOL Not according to Jesus and the Apostles:
Here Jesus says he is sending the holy Spirit to directly interact with the Apostles, directly communicating the wishes of Jesus
John 16:
12 “There is so much more I want to tell you, but you can’t bear it now. 13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. 14 He will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine; this is why I said, ‘The Spirit will tell you whatever he receives from me.’
Here the Holy Spirit is also poured out on common gentiles (not preists, prophets or any other special godly person.)
Acts 10:
44 Even as Peter was saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the message. 45 The Jewish believers[a] who came with Peter were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles, too. 46 For they heard them speaking in other tongues[b] and praising God.

This is John's epistle/letter to his church, and this is what He says about the Holy Spirit. the same Holy spirit poured out on the Apostles, who was the same poured out on the Gentile believers which is the same that indewells every member of the church
1John 2:
As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit--just as it has taught you, remain in him.

Again, john the Apostle in whom Jesus loved is telling his church that they don't need Him or anyone else to talk to God, or to discern the truth of God. Because God indewells each one of us.

Quote: . between them then jesus .you are believing without seriously questioning these people puttting together and being responsible for the book that the masses were given .
I honestly don't think you know how deep i have actually studied the bible. i am not an expert but I have studied it alittle more than the average atheist.
Quote: are you catholic ?
The word Catholic means All embracing. This is technically the Church Jesus describes meaning a church of His choosing.

Your using the word to describe only the Roman catholic Church. and no i am not a member.
they would see me an an infidel.

Quote:and your religion practed idolatry catholics actually pray to a virgin mary statues and crosses are prayed to the cross is an idol everyone interprets in their own way that is the reason for denominations it all looks exactly like a product of human creativity and superstition . no different that any other religion
Again, so what?
"My religion" does indeed identify the R/C worship of mary and idols as being sinful, but at the same time 'my religion' also acknoweledges Jesus as the one who gets to make the call on whether or not a given R/C person is saved or not. (this points back to Romans1 and 2) For some who know better but will not change their worship of idols will be what sends them to Hell. at the same time for those who are just trying to do their best and think that by worshiping those idols they are infact worshiping God, then Jesus will get to decide to let them in Heaven or not.

Personally I'm sure their will be many of the R/C faith and many from many more faiths, and a whole bunch that have nothing to do with organized Christianity as the west knows it. Because Again 'my religion' says it is Jesus who identifies 'Christians' and it is not a title we can give ourselves based on our religious works. In romans We are told salvation is a gift that none deserve! And Jesus is the gift giver so that none can boast about being 'christian' based off their works/beliefs.

That sport is what makes me and 'my religion' different. (that and i get to call people 'sport.')
RE: Biblical Christianity 101, a study of the book of Romans
(November 12, 2015 at 9:58 pm)Wyrd of Gawd Wrote: Ref: Post #524:

That's one way to kill a response.  Just post five miles of BS.

Its a response. Meaning content and length are determined by what I am responding to.
I directly answered each and every wrong assumption made. If that means one line i am happy to write that line and move one, but when one has an across the board failure to comprehend then it is going to take more than oone liine to correct their bad theology.
RE: Biblical Christianity 101, a study of the book of Romans
besides no one is making anyone answer everything. or all at once.
RE: Biblical Christianity 101, a study of the book of Romans
I've stayed out of it up to now. But I think I understand what it is about scriptures which just really annoy the hell out of me. It is the numbers and initials attached to each one. It is like Wittgenstein's Tractatus without the intellectual chewiness, but with even more presumption.

That is all.
RE: Biblical Christianity 101, a study of the book of Romans
Helps reprobates find the proper command line in life's cheat sheet.   Wink
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RE: Biblical Christianity 101, a study of the book of Romans
Quote: Its a response.

But its a shitty response.  No one cares about the gospel of drippy... but at least you are real.  Which is more than can be definitively said about this 'paul' character.
RE: Biblical Christianity 101, a study of the book of Romans
(November 13, 2015 at 12:43 pm)Whateverist the White Wrote: I've stayed out of it up to now.  But I think I understand what it is about scriptures which just really annoy the hell out of me.  It is the numbers and initials attached to each one.  It is like Wittgenstein's Tractatus without the intellectual chewiness, but with even more presumption.  

That is all.

There are more interesting, provocative ideas on any five pages of Wittgenstein than can be found in hundreds of pages of Biblical text.
RE: Biblical Christianity 101, a study of the book of Romans
(November 13, 2015 at 4:55 pm)Crossless1 Wrote:
(November 13, 2015 at 12:43 pm)Whateverist the White Wrote: I've stayed out of it up to now.  But I think I understand what it is about scriptures which just really annoy the hell out of me.  It is the numbers and initials attached to each one.  It is like Wittgenstein's Tractatus without the intellectual chewiness, but with even more presumption.  

That is all.

There are more interesting, provocative ideas on any five pages of Wittgenstein than can be found in hundreds of pages of Biblical text.
The Bible actually only contains two main ideas:  believe and obey without exception.  That's what every story is about.

Consider the Abraham story.  According to our morals he was a first class bastard without any redeeming qualities.  But, in the Bible there isn't one instance where he didn't obey.  It didn't matter if it was killing and robbing, screwing the pubic hairs off of his sister, cutting off foreskins, kicking his oldest son out into the desert to die, killing Isaac, or lying his ass off.  He did everything that he was told to do so he's credited as being the founder of three religions.  That in itself should indicate that he was full of BS because if he was really good he would be credited with just one religion.

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