RE: Knowing everything and allowing evil
February 23, 2012 at 2:22 pm
(This post was last modified: February 23, 2012 at 2:28 pm by Abracadabra.)
(February 23, 2012 at 4:56 am)chipan Wrote: You are misquoting me in every direction. I did not say man cannot be good. In fact the bible calls many of the prophets very good people. I never said man cannot be good.
I couldn't care less what you personally believe. I'm not interested in your misguided views of the religion. The Hebrew scriptures demand that all men are sinners and that no man is without sin. And they also demand that no man can possibly be without sin on his own merit.
Sure, you can find contradicting verses in the cannon that deny what the cannon says in other places, but that just proves that the whole cannon is inconsistent and undependable.
For example, these tales themselves have Jesus crying out, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."
Well, right there you have Jesus proclaiming that ignorance of the law and to simply not understand that what you are doing is wrong, are both valid excuses for receiving forgiveness.
So according to Jesus all non-believers are automatically be forgiven because they know not what they do. How could they possibly know that they are rejecting a God or disobeying him if they don't even believe in him?
So Jesus himself gave everyone a pardon who does not believe in the bible. And since Jesus is supposed to be the "Word in Flesh", then surely you're not going to argue with Jesus?
(February 23, 2012 at 4:56 am)chipan Wrote: And how exactly does the Christian beliefs create unhappiness? In order to believe that you must exclude the millions of Christians who are happy. The bible actually teaches us how to be most happy.
No it doesn't. That could depend on the person. If you're happy being a male-chauvinistic pig then perhaps that will make you happy to be one. But if you not a male-chauvinistic pig, then it would not make you happy to have to become one.
In Genesis 3:16 God makes it perfectly clear that you are to rule over your wife. Thus if you are not doing so then you are blatantly disobeying the Hebrew God and refusing to enforce his curse on women.
So being a male-chauvinistic pig and supporting male-chauvinism does not make me happy. If it makes you happy fine. That would only apply to you, and not to me.
(February 23, 2012 at 4:56 am)chipan Wrote: By following his commandments. He wants us to live for him. To get married and have children and love them. Not to worry about money. To put God first, then others, then yourself. To be honest with one another and not hurt one another.
I have no desire to live for an ignorant male-chauvinistic pig. I also never-married. I never had children. Actually according to the bible I'm a 'sinner' just for that reason alone. God instructed men to multiply and I refused. And that was actually a conscious choice on my part. I simply did not want to bring children into a world based on competition, greed, birth defects, diseased, wars, etc. I don't what to 'create a soul' and put that soul through things that I have no control over.
Moreover, according to Jesus himself only few will make it into heaven. The rest will be condemned to eternal hell fire and damnation. So for me to create new souls in children would to gamble with their souls. And according to Jesus the odds are like the lottery. They are far more likely to end up in eternal damnation and hell.
So I refused to play the game of your hideous gambling God. If he wants to create souls let him create them himself. I'm not going to take responsibility for that. Moreover, he has already cursed women with painful conception and childbirth. Why would I want to put a woman through that to have children who will most likely end up in eternal damnation anyway?
If the Biblical God it true everyone should stop having children immediately and refuse to even take part in this God's sick demented games.
(February 23, 2012 at 4:56 am)chipan Wrote: Does lying, stealing, hurting and such create happiness? No and this is why God says don't do it.
You don't need the sick demented God of the Hebrews to have good moral values. The Buddha taught people not to do those things as well. Does that make him God?
It's nothing short of Christian arrogance to pretend that they hold the patent on good mortals. That is an extremely lame excuse on your part. Almost all the world religions teach good moral values. And you seem to always overlook the indecent moral values that are being taught by the Hebrew God (like supporting male-chauvinism and husbands ruling over their wives)
You can't make up for the nasty shit in the Bible by pointing to the fact that it also include that same "good" morals as all other religions.
Even Wicca states, "Do as you will but harm none". Well stealing from someone would be harming them because you are robbing them of the fruits of their labor, etc. So even Wicca has morals covered, even better than the Hebrew mythology. There is nothing in Wicca that requires you to become a male-chauvinistic pig. There is nothing in Wicca that curses women with painful childbirth. And there is nothing in Wicca that proclaims that the vast majority of souls will be cast into a place of eternal damnation.
So Wicca had Hebrew mythology trumped clearly in terms of having higher moral values.
If a highly moral religion is important to you, trash the Hebrew filth and become a Wiccan.
(February 23, 2012 at 4:56 am)chipan Wrote: And you take this deserving thing completely the wrong way. We do not deserve God's grace, mercy, and forgiveness. But what do we do about it? We do our best to give back to God; not destroy ourselves. We use it in a constructive manner so we can make God proud and give him as much as we can give. This is how you interpret it. You can't include the bad without the good.
Make God proud?
What is God? An egotistical mortal parent?
By the way, I totally renounce violence as a solution to problems. Should an all-wise parent be proud of me for that? Sure they should! Yet the Hebrews would have their God condemn me for renouncing His ways!
I totally renounce cursing women with greatly multiplied sorrow in conception and childbirth. Should an all-wise parent be proud of me for that? Sure they should! Yet the Hebrews would have their God condemn me for renouncing His ways!
I support LOVE, even if it's between people of the same gender. Because love is love and love should always be supported. Should an all-wise parent be proud of me for that? Sure they should! Yet the Hebrews would have their God condemn me for renouncing His hatred of same-gender love!
I refuse to have anyone nailed to pole and crucified on my behalf. If my parents offered to nail by brother to a pole so that they could forgive me I would object and refuse to have anything to do with it. Should an all-wise parent be proud of me for that? Sure they should! Yet the Hebrews would have their God condemn me for renouncing His ways!
Everything that I stand for any all-wise benevolent parent should be quite proud of. Yet, the Hebrews would have their God hating me for supporting higher morals that him.
I could never worship the Hebrew mythology as the 'word of God' to do so would require that I become a horrible despicable person. The only way I could be 'saved' by the dastardly God of the Hebrews would be to become as dastardly as he is and support all his immoral crap.
What you need to understand Chipan is that the ancient Hebrew myths have absolutely nothing to do with any all-wise all-benevolent God.
That is the error in your thinking. You view those scriptures as "The Word of God" and you can't get past that mentality. Therefore you will forever be stuck in the rut of trying to justify those myths as being 'benevolent' when in fact, they aren't.
The ancient Hebrew myths have nothing to do with any God.
Until you realize this and can look at the scriptures from that perspective you will remain obsessed with trying to defend those myths.
They are disgusting and cannot be defended.
And that's the truth.
(February 23, 2012 at 1:44 pm)Rhythm Wrote:(February 23, 2012 at 3:51 am)chipan Wrote: If no process exists that life can come from nonlife, then there is no way an athiest can explain where life came from. Period.
We've been here before. We know nothing, everything we know is completely wrong. Now tell us why you're right.
He thinks he's right because to him it makes sense that an all-wise all-benevolent God would solve all his problems using cruel mean tactics like cursing women with painful childbirth and demanding that husbands rule over their wives.
And he thinks it's the epitome of divine benevolence to have someone nailed to a pole just so the God can 'forgive' people.
And worse yet, he can't understand why other people don't see these things as being all-wise and all-benevolent solutions.

Christian - A moron who believes that an all-benevolent God can simultaneously be a hateful jealous male-chauvinistic pig.
Wiccan - The epitome of cerebral evolution having mastered the magical powers of the universe and is in eternal harmony with the mind of God.
Atheist - An ill-defined term that means something different to everyone who uses it.
Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.
Clearly Jesus (a fictitious character or otherwise) will forgive people if they merely know not what they do
For the Bible Tells us so!
Wiccan - The epitome of cerebral evolution having mastered the magical powers of the universe and is in eternal harmony with the mind of God.
Atheist - An ill-defined term that means something different to everyone who uses it.
Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.
Clearly Jesus (a fictitious character or otherwise) will forgive people if they merely know not what they do
For the Bible Tells us so!