I'm late to the party again, and I see it went into a tailspin.
Let me get this straight... Randy is an atheist ex catholic and is standing up for them?
Are you SERIOUS?
By the way Randy, what part of "Because you have kept the word of my patience- I will keep you from (eck- out of) the hour of testing that is coming on the whole world" that is in the bible, do you not understand?
"I tell you a mystery- we shall not all sleep (die), in a moment- at the last trump, the dead shall rise first and WE which remain shall be caught up together with them in the air.."
Catholicism does not accept biblical statements like that because someone among them might recognize their organization as the whore of Babylon that she is.
Let me get this straight... Randy is an atheist ex catholic and is standing up for them?
Are you SERIOUS?
By the way Randy, what part of "Because you have kept the word of my patience- I will keep you from (eck- out of) the hour of testing that is coming on the whole world" that is in the bible, do you not understand?
"I tell you a mystery- we shall not all sleep (die), in a moment- at the last trump, the dead shall rise first and WE which remain shall be caught up together with them in the air.."
Catholicism does not accept biblical statements like that because someone among them might recognize their organization as the whore of Babylon that she is.