(September 15, 2015 at 11:12 am)lkingpinl Wrote:(September 15, 2015 at 9:11 am)professor Wrote: Today is the 15th, I am going to hang around the house until 2 o'clock when my high watch time is past, if it passes uneventfully, I have a few days to help my brother in law fix the house he has (unknowingly renting to low- lifes is a lot of work).
Randy, I did read some of the commentary you posted above (as much as I could swallow), funny they omitted the letters to the churches from the book of Revelation where the second last one (Philadelphia) are told they would be,
"kept from (eck- out of) the hour of testing that is coming on the whole earth"- the Tribulation / time of Jacob's trouble.
While the last group- Laodicea (meaning - judging by the people- democracy, you could say) is spit out of Jesus' mouth-
either into the Trib or into it for a span of time.
The above matches the time element of Jesus coming For His people and later Jesus coming With His people.
Here is an interesting bit from TorahCalendar.com, on today- (I will say these guys have balls)
The Creation Calendar's epoch (reference date) for the beginning of the Age of Life or the Future Age or the Millennial Kingdom is sunset in Jerusalem beginning Yom Re-vi-i (the fourth day of the week) on Day 1 / Month 7 / Year 6001. This moment is equivalent to 15:46 Universal Time on Tuesday, September 15, 2015 C.E. on the Gregorian Calendar. At this time the Marriage of the Lamb begins according to Revelation 19:6-9.
Matt 24:36 - "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
Are you God?
He certainly does presume to know the mind of gawd, which is, of course, forbidden.
Thief and assassin for hire. Member in good standing of the Rogues Guild.