Do we judge (prefer evaluate) the philosophy based on it's position on/of abuse? It's ability/propensity to be abused? The people(s) that claim it and then perpetrate abuse?
Value is subjective. To the believer/non abuser it may have great value, the same for the abuser. To the observer/receiver of the abuse, little value.
I choose to make my evaluation on the philosophies inherent value to me to and my world. Not how others may believe in it or use it for their purposes (abusing or not).
Do we judge (prefer evaluate) the philosophy based on it's position on/of abuse? It's ability/propensity to be abused? The people(s) that claim it and then perpetrate abuse?
Value is subjective. To the believer/non abuser it may have great value, the same for the abuser. To the observer/receiver of the abuse, little value.
I choose to make my evaluation on the philosophies inherent value to me to and my world. Not how others may believe in it or use it for their purposes (abusing or not).
Being told you're delusional does not necessarily mean you're mental.