RE: pop morality
February 6, 2016 at 7:10 pm
(This post was last modified: February 6, 2016 at 7:21 pm by Reforged.)
(February 6, 2016 at 12:57 pm)Drich Wrote: But what if the test questions are not about right or wrong?If the "test" isn't about right or wrong then it is either morally bankrupt, devoid of meaning or both. It is a teaching of mindless subservience, nothing more.
What if the 'test' is about giving yourself over, no matter what you understand or your circumstances?
Quote: But again, remove Morality, remove the law and what is "right." Thats what atonement does. it removes the law as our means to righteousness. So we (christian) are no longer judged by the law, unless we in our freedom adopt the laws of a given religion in an effort to understand God. then we are bound to the rules we 'bind here on earth.'Atonement, redemption. These are terms of righting a wrong. You cannot have a wrong being righted without some kind of moral code at play. This is nonsense.
Quote:the whole point to this thread is about showing how our current justifications 'pop morality' are really no different than the pop morality of Nazi Germany. What is different is how we market and sell our evil so that it is accepted. Now take a step back from that and look at the big picture, we will see this level of evil spread out through Human history. Nothing has changed only our justifications for the evil we are willing to adopt.Nazi Germany? Are you seriously this desperate for attention that you would sensationalize to that extent?
Now thankfully Christ will atone for said evil IF we we use everything we've been given to seek and develop a relationship with Him.
The only reason you can judge yourself better than other cultures or other generations is because you have been fooled into accepting the marketing that your current 'morality' is far superior, because you do not do the things others have done... But again if you look honestly at all of the things this soceity has accepted (slavery, infanticide, genocide) it's no different than those who did not hide their activities behind 'marketing.'
Show me the showers disguised as gas chambers. Show me the concentration camps. Show me the genocide. Its bad enough you're resorting to scattershot. Do you *really* have to add the shameless invoking of atrocities at the drop of a hat to the list of offences? Yes, capitalism is a shitty, morally bankrupt system and its a damn shame we haven't come up with a better one but Nazi Germany? What next? Stalinist Russia? Maybe you would like to invoke Pol Pot or Kim Jong Il while you're at it? Have some self-respect.
Quote: You can bearly phathom this concept, look at your questions.. Not being mean, but if you can't fully grasp what this freedom means how we got it and why, how do you expect to rightfully use this freedom? this freedom is not meant for you to do what you want, but it is God freeing you to do your best to worship and work for Him. To live for self means you have not accepted the atonement needed to be free.Do not presume what I can fathom, I would ask you to look at your lack of questions. If freedom isn't meant for doing what I want then it isn't freedom. Its a longer leash.
Adopting a church is the first step. one many never move past, but again that's ok too. However once you adopt a church and your understanding of this freedom grows, and your exercise of this freedom becomes a stumbling block to others, or you find the rules and rituals prohibiting to your walk, then it is time to find a church that best suits your growing understanding.. Once you master the basics and have a strong relationship with God then it is time to teach/share.
Quote:It's CHRISTanity so...Christ.Oh so I can make an assumption on that? Sorry, what with me making an assumption that you thought an interpretation being right or wrong actually mattered I just didn't want to make the same mistake.
Quote:Yes, that's the point. With the first guy he was given a full share of say, knowledge of God and God's kingdom. So He uses his full share and turns a profit for God, meaning he used his knoweledge and was able to save a bunch of people. So he is rewarded, and given more (heaven)By this logic right and wrong cease to have meaning. There are serial killers out there who fit the description of righteousness you provide. As long as they make the effort and truly believe they get in, regardless of their deeds. If they're The Big Labowski they go to hell. Its just silly.
Guy number two get a 2/3's share of knowledge because that is all he can handle and does the same, with a 2/3's share resulting in a proportional growth/profit. He did not make as much as the first guy dollar/saved soul wise, but he did indeed double what he was given as the first guy did.
Guy number three gets a 1/3 share, because he can't handle any more responsibility than that. So rather than do anything with his share he burys it, because he does not want to loose what he has been given.
This guy represents the guy born into a given religion, goes to church every sunday and does not grow or does not change, he just as a matter of routine follows tradition and a comfortable pattern. Or this is the not born in the church who has been given intrest in God to find out more, but never really does anything about it. accept argue on (so all of you d-bags are safe)
To which, Jesus says this guy is punished/hell for not doing anything with what he was given. If he simply took his one talent and took it to the next level he would have received the same reward as the other two.
So again it is not about meeting a certain standard or producing certain numbers or having a singular common understanding. It's about using what God has given you to it's fullest. that is why your homo/sodom=adultry buddy is judged righteous if indeed only gave him those tools to work with.
But also remember God is not a fool. there is a difference between being all in and flat wrong and going through the motions of being all in.
Quote: Again I am not making a judgement here on what will be judged ok or not ok by christ.We're the 1 talent guys? According to who Drich? I thought you couldn't make any judgments.
I am pointing out, the hyprocrisy in creating a standard that says killing babies is wrong and then kill babies, by changing their classification. God will judge us with the very same standard we use to judge others. If you are all 'talents in' believe that killing babies is wrong and you say you can not follow a God who in the bible had babies Killed, you in turn will be judged by God using your own standard. He will show you that you supported a soceity that killed billions of babies hundreds of millions in the 3rd trimester...
If you think a baby in the third trimester is a clump of cells then go to youtube and do a search on partial birth abortion. that is where they give birth, feet first till the base of the skull is exposed insert scissors and suck out the baby's brain collapsing the head.. I posted some of these pics here before and was told to 'hide them' because they were so brutally graphic. These were viable children. they could have lived outside the womb.
These pictures were very disturbing because anyone with sight could see these were BABIES and not a clump of cells, which is why i was told to hide them.
But, again this is not an abortion debate, this is an example of how God will take your 'morality' and judge this generation by it, because you all are that 1 talent guy who's full understanding of right/wrong is 'morality' and you will not move past it, even though now you all have been made aware. so then it is by this standard in which you will be judged. And if I can point out big time hypocrisy laying right on top, how much harder will it be when an all knowing God scrutinizes your 'morality?'
That is why, it is much better to accept the atonement offered, than to pretend that your 'morality' means anything. In one or two generations even our grand children will judge us 'immoral' by the standards we use today. How then do we expect to use this standard to deem ourselves 'good people?'
If you're not looking for an abortion debate I would advise you not to bring that sort of inflammatory nonsense into the discussion.
Of course it *looks* like that. If you go into a car factory and look at the early construction of a chassis what exactly are you expecting to see? It means nothing. "Could have?" Based on what? Going to take a wild guess here; based on how they looked and how that made you feel.
Why am I even humoring this? This is just another attempt to muddy the waters and dilute the subject.
Quote:So how many babies do you think he has order the death of?Do I seriously have to go google every single passage where he orders the death of women and children? Do I need to bring up the Amelekites? Do I need to stress the fact *you* believe hes omnipotent, all knowing and set into motion all of creation and therefore bares ultimate responsibility for children killed by famine, disease and natural disasters that free will could not possibly play a role in? Are you seriously, after this long, not getting that basic of a premise. Stop wasting my time.
This is shameless scattershot specifically created to divert my attention and drain my energy.
Quote:Which is why we have so many different denominations...Right, except we don't know what rules Christ is judging people by except that we have to believe in him and we need to "try our best" regardless of what we're doing. According to you. Yeah. Totally a sound basis for a moral compass. Well done.
Again We are Free to worship any way we can comprehend. For some that means being catholic, for others baptist, for others still it means being non denominational, and for others still it means being something that most 'christians' would not identify as Christian at all. But, Again 'we' are not in a position to say who is and who is not Christian. Our rituals works and/or understanding of the gospel is not what saves us. It is Christ who saves and Christ alone who judges who is and is not 'saved.' We are not saved by our little cermonies or chants. we are saved by Christ alone, not unto our works lest any of us should boast (about being the true form of christianity
Quote:Needs work, but more or less.So. To conclude; you don't know Gods morality so you've taken an "educated" guess based on the writings of people from thousands of years ago who didn't know how electricity worked much less the universe and you encourage other people to take guesses based on similar books and form the entire basis for living their lives based on said guesses. This is how we should form our moral compass and govern our society regardless of how our moral compasses derived from age of enlightenment values may conflict.
Well, I'm convinced. Gods Commincation Skills 1 - 21st Century Society 0
"That is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons even death may die."
- Abdul Alhazred.
- Abdul Alhazred.