(March 21, 2016 at 11:43 am)loganonekenobi Wrote: "No.It's not a Heaven or Hell think It's about spending eternity with God thing. And your right, I am not here to make a positive difference because the word 'positive' and it's definition are subject to manipulation. just look at how you are trying to hold my actions against what YOU deem positive and what You Deem Negative. That is the Danger of pop morality that I have been harping on since the OP. In that if you put your self value in a system that has no absolutes and these values are constantly subject to change then you can be manipulated to justify/Look at any action as 'Positive.'
What I'm saying is for me their isn't any right or wrong value in any action. That under Christ all actions are neutral. Meaning one can not earn the right to Heaven through action nor can one loose it though action."
So if I'm not looking to go to this heaven for which there is no proof of then I don't have to be concerned with what Jesus (words written by goat herders) said. Right?
I'm getting the impression that the only reason you try to do the right thing is to make it to Heaven/ avoid hell by listening to the Bible.
this is understandable if you take on the whole faith idea.
That's fine...for you. For me I make my decisions, however flawed they may be, based on observation and mostly careful thinking. These decisions will inevitably effect the world around me. From this I can, for the most part, clearly observe the outcome and there by make a more informed decision the next time. I'm okay with this system. It's not perfect but I feel that it is better than holding fast to the past decisions of men (for it is men who wrote and Bible not a god.)
Mathew 28 proves once again that the Christian would rather be alone in the world instead of making positive change in it. Why? because this life means nothing to them, only the after life counts. I am suspect of any moral argument from any one who follows such a death cult.
It is also clear that you are not hear to make a positive difference but instead to practice arguing.
After understanding this last point I can walk away.
For example Is Killing babies to you, making a 'positive difference' on society?
For me Killing a baby no matter how old, is always wrong. That if I were to assign a 'moral value' on one who willingly and knowingly kills a child because it is simply unwanted or the mother does not want to give birth and part with it, is got to be one of the most selfish things one can do.. That is again if you were to ask me to put a moral value on this act while looking at that specific set of reasons.
But what do you say? where does 'Making a positive difference' with your 'morality tell you to think about killing babies Ie Abortion?
Now again, to you is killing a baby a "positive" thing?
How are your actions (support in killing a baby) Not a 'death cult/culture' act that has been multiplied over 1.5 billion times since 1980, and The singular death of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago the thing that makes Christianity a Death cult?
Do you see how foolish people like you sound when they are blinded by their own hypocrisy? You live in a society who condones the killing/Murder of billions, yet Christian who has a command against killing anyone, and does not require anyone to be killed is supposedly the 'death cult."
That's the danger of 'morality.' It blinds you to your own evil. Makes you think your are a positive/moral person when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.