(March 22, 2016 at 9:07 pm)scoobysnack Wrote:(March 22, 2016 at 8:52 pm)AFTT47 Wrote: Yes, based on our current understanding, there are almost certainly intelligent alien civilizations out there somewhere. Some are primitive, others are far more advanced than us and others are probably god-like. Most everyone here gets that. What has that to do with the ridiculous assertion that a shadow government exists which is in collaboration with aliens currently or recently visiting this planet? Where is the tiniest bit of evidence in support of that far-fetched claim?
I'll also ask again: Why would someone in possession of advanced alien technology suppress it to maintain a relatively penny ante advantage when they could use it instead to literally own and rule the world?
I've already provided links to listen to the people that work in the shadow government.
And logic dictates that if such a shadow government exists - one capable of keeping such secrets and with such an illegal agenda, whistle blowers would quickly disappear. Anyone privy to secrets would know that.
Perhaps you think they know that we know that so they allow whistle blowers to live because they know they won't be believed. But that would encourage more whistle blowers. Eventually, the whole thing would fall apart.
Then there is what should be the most obvious thing of all. There are real-life parallels of Fox Mulder from The X-Files - principled people who are professional investigators. People in a position to act on information from whistle blowers inside a shadow government if such existed. Do you honestly think you know something they don't? You think foreign intelligence services who would like nothing more than to get a leg up on the US - so they could increase their own power position - wouldn't know something that you do? That they wouldn't act on it?
It amazes me that people like you don't consider such obvious flaws in your "theories."
These clowns you linked to are either delusional or (more likely) setting themselves up for a payday in the form of a book deal, interview or such. Occam's Razor.
I've said it before but it bears repeating: Use your head!
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein