(March 29, 2016 at 9:02 am)RozKek Wrote: Alright. So it popped into my mind, I remembered around a year ago I read that being homosexual isn't a choice. (Love is chemical reactions not under your control, so homosexual people's bodies release those chemicals for the same sex unlike heterosexual, correct me if I'm wrong).
And religion says that homosexuality is a sin/is haram.
So what's the big issue for religion here? Well, if homosexuality isn't a choice at the same time it's a sin and you'll go to hell for being homosexual, then homosexual people literally have no choice but to go to hell. Right?
It's very much as if God said that being born blind, having cancer, or being shorter than 175 centimeters is a sin/is haram and you'll go to hell for it. You might say "but being homosexual isn't the same thing as being blind, getting cancer or being shorter than 175 cms" It is in the same sense that none of them are a choice, really. (Also before you bash at me for comparing homosexuality to being blind, cancer etc. I'm just using them as examples for not being a choice, I am in no way a homophobe, and I respect homosexual people).
So how logical, moral, just is it that God gives no choice to some people but to go to hell?
Here's the thing sport...
We are all sinners on the same level of sin as all homosexuals. All are going to Hell. Not because of something A&E did thousands of years ago, but because of the sin we knowingly do and do not repent of.
It's not sin that sends one to Hell. it is unrepented sin (Which Paul in Romans 1 and 2 defines as Evil) that sends us to Hell. Evil has little to do with severity of sin. it has to do with the love of one's sin of choice and their personal justification of it, or rather their making sin 'moral.' (Ie, your first paragraph) That makes sin Evil. Sin all sin can be forgiven, if one repents, Evil will not be forgiven, simply because inorder for one to be evil they must justify their sins (make it moral) and if a sin is justified in one's mind he will never repent of it.
If youre gay, fine be gay, but know it is sin. do not justify it. Always know and accept it is what it is so if and when you do want to turn from it and repent you can. If you make sin (any sin) right in your heart you seal your fate.
Again being gay is not any worse than any other sin. All unrepentant sin gets cast into the same Hell.