(April 26, 2016 at 1:33 pm)TheRocketSurgeon Wrote: [quote='Drich' pid='1260192' dateline='1461688830']
While I do not care how i land on a social issue I do act with a deep and well regulated conscience.
I am simply the type of person who does what is right no matter what people think. I am and always will do what is right according to God and not what others say or do. I will not be manipulated by emotion nor peer pressure. Nor do I fear punishment or reprisal. I do not back off or back down just because things are hard. I have done things that make people second guess me, and i have done thing people would choose to honor if i shared them, but again it's not about what people think. It's about honoring and following God's will to the limits of my strength and ability.
I believe the word you are looking for is integrity. That is the quality you despise and seem to hate because it is aligned with God and not my fellow man.
If that makes me a sociopath in the kangaroo court of popular opinion then so be it. I'm been call worse by better people than you and yet I still live to tell the tale.
Quote:LFC - Respectfully, I think you're incorrect. Sociopathy appears to me, from what I've read about it, to be an inborn (epigenetic/genetic/early-childhood) problem, where the person simply fails to develop normal human empathy.TRS-Respectfully (or not )You are incorrect. Sociopathy is a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. Rather no sense of right or wrong, and can act without remorse. One can feel empathy, they are simply not bound to act on it.
Quote:However, I think it's possible for circumstance or programming, such as religious indoctrination (or, say Communist indoctrination), to destroy a person's natural empathy until they effectively become a sociopath, by hijacking the moral systems of the brain, the way the HIV virus attacks the defensive cells of the immune system. Call it Acquired Indoctrination Develops Sociopathy (or AIDS, for short), perhaps?lol You are saying all communists are sociopaths? You do know that represents about 1/2 the planet's population right? This is what makes you a douche. Again, you think your moral values are absolute. Meaning you think your right is universally right and your wrong is universally wrong. 1/2 the world's population would disagree.
Because in order for you to be right and all communists to be sociopaths, your value system would indeed have to be absolute and they would have to be willingly violating this universal right and wrong to favor their indoctrination as you put it.
How about this sport.. Let's maybe consider for a moment your pop morality only represents maybe 1/4 to 1/8 of the world's population. meaning your right and wrong are not the right and wrongs communists consider to be moral. Meaning they have their own value system. If they have their own morality then a communists who abides with in the value system is not a sociopath moron, he is just of a different culture! One that happens to be in the majority of values this planet operates under.
It's funny to see you argue from a position of moral absolutes when you've done so much to wash yourself from it.
Quote:[See, douchebag? I do know what an analogy is. Yours simply failed because humans cannot justifiably be called tools under your example.]You don't know how analogies work either... cute. look here sport and I might could learn you sumthin.
All I have to do to make an analogy is tie one aspect.. just one aspect of (in this case a tool) to humanity and the analogy is legit. you can't make a sweeping dismissal on your 'say so.' In my tool analogy I tied multiple aspects between tools and humanity, I even quoted 1cor where it was expanded. This is an analogy found in scripture to explain our various roles in the church, and in service to God in the New and Old Testament. Like it or not sport the analogy stands.
Quote:It is clear that, just as the homicide bombers in the Mideast think they are doing something highly moral, while the rest of us can see they are depraved lunatics, that this guy's apparent sociopathy is an acquired characteristic. It's so mind-blowing to us who have resisted such indoctrination that we think it must be a personal flaw... but the truth is, we should be rightfully frightened of people like him, who think God is such a horrible douchebag and yet defend it as moral (and may blow us up or deprive us of rights/freedoms in the name of this God), and yet feel nothing but pity for how they came to be that way.Again not a sociopath issue. This is a societal issue. for them this is no different than a soldier sacrificing himself to strike down his enemy.