(May 17, 2016 at 10:27 am)Drich Wrote:How would that work? I... may be interested in crazy stuff.... and never be interested by the actual real one claim...(May 16, 2016 at 5:15 pm)pocaracas Wrote: Ah... i can't believe I missed this! Really... I haven't been talking about this god stuff in so long that I miss doing it!Asked and answered.
You're right.... sorry for the imprecise language.
Try again:
How do you search for something that doesn't likely exist?
(May 16, 2016 at 3:31 pm)Drich Wrote: It depends on the Idea. It all starts with research. First isolate and identify those who claim to have contact or knowledge with what you are looking for and then explore methods of contact.Quote:Should I follow every type of idea? Every claim of contact with any entity?Just the ones that interest you.
What if I make up a few claims by myself? Should I then try to follow through? They would certainly interest me...
(May 17, 2016 at 10:27 am)Drich Wrote:Wow....Quote:Should I explore every method of contact proposed by everyone who ever makes a claim of contact with any kind of entity?!I did.
I'm curious, How did it go with Amun and Ra?
(May 17, 2016 at 10:27 am)Drich Wrote:Curious.... so... just because a religion doesn't allow for a person to directly contact their deity/ies, they're automatically thrown in the pyre?Quote:Sounds like I could be wasting my time on an infinity of bogus claims.there are 4 different avenues/classifications provided by the mainstream Christianity. Other religions do not allow for direct contact with their deity by someone like you.
That does not invalidate the divinities in the religion... just the claims of interaction with the divinities.
(May 17, 2016 at 10:27 am)Drich Wrote:Come now.... no need to call each other nasty names...(May 16, 2016 at 3:31 pm)Drich Wrote: There you start with a definition.
Dragons can be identified as reptiles, plants, or even women. Fairies could include gay men, birds, and even a lost race of humanity. Wizards could be an Adj the describes something wonderful, to a frequently asked questions tab on a software package, to the Greek use of the word that describes a pharmacologist.
Again, inorder to take an objective look at what may seem as the fantastic requires grounding both parties into a set of definations that outline what is the pair is looking for.
Now obviously when you say God we both can agree your idea of it does not exist as you've no doubt tried to sumon your idea of a deity and it has left you flat. Naturally you being the center of the universe as YOU know it assume when I say God we mean the same deity you have already dispelled.
My point here in this thread, is we are not talking about the same thing. Meaning all you've done you whole life to disprove God does not apply as your "tinkerbell" is not nor does it have anything to do with the ancient race of humanity I've discovered.Quote:Wait, what?!No stupid.. I mean no moron...
Ancient race of humanity?!
YOU've discovered?!Care to share?
I mean dummy, What I was explaining we have to be on the same page. Otherwise when you say fairy I could assume you meant The Pukwudgees
While you maybe think of a wing sprite like tinkerbell
How cute, little people.... little mummies... I wonder if this is something like what I've seen happening with dinosaur fossil interpretation - the same species in different stages of development.... or just one single specimen of an individual with some rare growth disease/genetic problem?
I'm just asking... as I've only read that one page. You may have read more about these people and know more.
(May 17, 2016 at 10:27 am)Drich Wrote:I may understand more than I let on in writing...Quote:I thought holy books were written by people, not gods.Try not to do that on your own. (think) you seem to gravitate to bias thought when left to your own devises. Rather than show any ability critical or analytical thought you seem to bail (as per your fairy example) and want to trivialize something you fully do not understand, rather than have taken the time to research.

(May 17, 2016 at 10:27 am)Drich Wrote:I know you mean well.Quote:The claims therein are claims by people.Who have experienced God directly and have relayed how one is to do the same.
The test in what is said will never be a philosophical argument but a simply follow the instructions and see where it leads. If it puts you on god's door step then the directions are sound no matter who put pen to paper.
I know you had some revelation that made you believe.
I know you didn't get there by using the route in the instructions.
I know that the route in the instructions helped solidify your previously attained belief.
But I don't believe that those people experienced god directly.
More likely, they experienced something like yourself and wrote it down in their very own poetic style... perhaps with some ulterior motive?
The instructions would have come along through observation of how some people do get convinced, while many remain doing what they did all their lives...
(May 17, 2016 at 10:27 am)Drich Wrote:Before the science of psychology was consolidated, people did observe other people's behaviors, their thoughts, their beliefs.Quote:Could these people have found a way to exploit some psychological pathway to belief, without any requirement for a substantiation of that which is believed in?You mean before the advent of psychology?
Why then has this specific method never been duplicated? Again, no other religion puts or promises a believer direct line to God. Always through some intermediary
I don't find it difficult to accept that some people in ancient times would have "studied" how people come to believe or think as they do.
(May 17, 2016 at 10:27 am)Drich Wrote:That is true.... I've been on cruise control for a while... no challenge, you see?(May 16, 2016 at 3:31 pm)Drich Wrote: Assume that what believers do and voila' you can shut your mind off to any unpleasant "thinking." perfect reasoning, huh?Quote:Shut my mind off!?? Ah.... you're cute.Please this whole post is an example of a closed/shut down mind. Look how you trivialize what you have spent no time seriously researching.
Your cute for trying to pretend you maintain objectivity while it is very obvious that you have been on 'cruise control, for a very very long time.
No god is forthcoming... nothing... but humans are... humans and their "beliefs". Various differing beliefs, so much so that they have led to war among humans, over who has he right belief... pitiful.
In spite of those wars, still.... no god is forthcoming.
If there is any god... it's like it doesn't care.
So why should I care to spend my survival machinery in coming up with ways how that non-caring god exists? At the end of the day, it comes down to the same. We both don't care about each other. I'm fine with that.
(May 17, 2016 at 10:27 am)Drich Wrote:According to the tens and tens of generations of dead people since christianity surfaced, and how nothing happened to any of those, if you're right, nothing happens.... squat, bubkiss.Quote:What happens if I'm right?Squat, nothing, bubkiss.
Now what happens if I am right?
(May 17, 2016 at 10:27 am)Drich Wrote:I reserve judgement for the question of "god existing".... but "belief" is a psychological state.Quote:I am aware of how belief in the supernatural (and other beliefs) is just a psychological state.apparently not. Otherwise you would understand your 'belief' in a psychological state is in of itself a psycological state and would reserve judgement.
I know the two things may be intertwined in your mind... it is a common occurrence among believers.
(May 17, 2016 at 10:27 am)Drich Wrote:Didn't I read somewhere that you started out Buddhist?Quote:I am aware of a few mechanisms to get there.
As such, I try to avoid falling prey to them. Thus far, I've been successful...
Quote:You, on the other hand, from my point of view, have fallen prey to one such mechanism. It's a common occurrence, nothing to be ashamed of.Again no. Sorry to ruin you little box of 'psychological' states, but I started out as an Atheist.
As a believer, you automatically accept that the thing you believe in is true (duh!).
(May 17, 2016 at 10:27 am)Drich Wrote:Quote:And fail to understand (maybe not the best word... realize?) how the minds of those who do not believe work. You seem to think we're simpletons who just "refuse to open our minds and let the truth shine in".... but nothing could be farther from what's going on.Which again if you truly understood the depth of the 'psychological state' you are trying to fumble about and describe, you yourself would see the process is a doubled edged sword. In that dependence psychoanalysis as a method of keeping you 'free from God' binds you in the same way as it will not allow you to 'see' anything that you already do not believe.
Meaning you claim that because I first believe, and that everything I experience is forced through the filter of my belief. (despite me sharing i start out as a Buddhist then Atheist)
What I am saying the opposite is true, citing this same process but in reverse. Because you do not believe, you force EVERYTHING through the same filter of disbelief, not considering or allowing for any information that does not conform with your disbelief.
Which makes you a full on hypocrite for assuming that I fall prey to a process that you yourself has demonstrated you are a slave to already.

Belief is the psychological state, remember?
Any information that comes my way gets processed in accordance with the information itself.
Certainly, some pieces of information are easier to accept than others.
Some require thinking a bit on them... some are the result of some unknown physical phenomenon...
But, thus far, everything that's been presented to me can be interpreted in such a way that doesn't require a divine entity... even psychological states and events, like dreams.
Just because I can think up of some naturalistic interpretation, it doesn't mean I can provide the full explanation of how each particular event happened.... For example, nowadays, we are just not equipped to properly explain how thoughts arise in the brain... it certainly seems they are generated in there, but how exactly? who knows?...
(May 17, 2016 at 10:27 am)Drich Wrote:Only 3 times?Quote:Confronted with the multitude of beliefs out there, how is anyone supposed to decide which one is representing the real divine, if any?Youve asked this question 3 times. the answer is the same. Stop being lazy and Ask/Seek/ Knock for God.

Should I ask, seek and knock for all of the divinities in which people believe?
(May 17, 2016 at 10:27 am)Drich Wrote:The consequences of not following what other people tell me about something they claim, but can't validate?Quote:How about we just wait it out?you absolutely can, just be ready to deal with the consequences of your actions.
I'm sure any cosmic sized intelligence would appreciate my reasoning. If not, screw it.
(May 17, 2016 at 10:27 am)Drich Wrote:Other people, in other areas of the globe see a different MC from yours. Even those who earnestly search for it... perhaps even more fervently than you do.Quote:Just let the real MC please stand up... until he does... best not assume he wants me to think he's in the crowd.What does the 'Real MC' look like? how then do you know if he is not standing?
They systematically arrive at the MC that's propagated by the people around them (Even you).
This screams "inadequate standing", at least.
(May 17, 2016 at 10:27 am)Drich Wrote:Quote:If there is one MC and he's hiding, why should I go out and assume he is there?What if 'hiding' means in plain sight? but because your too lazy to A/S/K you never see what is standing in front of you.
Well then, it seems that "plain sight" has some regional variability.... such that it causes wars.
I guess "plain sight" could be improved, don't you?