Oh dear
The Catholic Church is accepted by the wider Christian Church as being Christian. I agree with this. It is also understood by the wider Christian Church that most Catholics aren't actually Christians, that not being a requirement of membership.
Catholicism deviates from Christian teaching in many key areas. Some of those being...
Vicars intercede for God - direct contradiction and one thing Jesus tried to abolish. He famously lost his temper
The Pope isn't a descendant of Peter,and has no authority over the whole church
The Pope isn't what the church is built on. Jesus is - a simple mistranslation
The Pope's words aren't infallible - by a long stretch!
Mary is not God, and cannot be prayed to, along with the rest of the saints - see #1
Mary is a sinner just like other people, she isn't sinless
Catholics do not believe in complete salvation through Christ. Contradicting Christ's words in the Bible
Priests can't make Christians by sprinkling water on people. Only the Holy Spirit can change people according to the Bible
Baptism is a symbolic rite. It is nothing magical
Catholics add books to the Bible
Bread and wine isn't actually the flesh and blood of Jesus. It's a symbol at best.
The whole church is Christs body, the Catholic church says it's only them
There's no such thing as purgatory
RC doctrine contradicts the Bible
Jesus saves by his blood. Catholicism by fire in pergatory
Idolatry is anti Christian - Catholicism removes one of the ten commandments
Christianity states that the Bible is the only source of truth. Catholicism adds tradition and it's own rulings
So, if you're attributing any of the above misconceptions to Christianity then you're wrong. Which is what Kyu attempts to do. Ktu's understanding of Christianity isn't strictly Christianity, but Catholicisms own version which isn't accepted as Christian by the wider Christian Church. That's a fact.
The Catholic Church is accepted by the wider Christian Church as being Christian. I agree with this. It is also understood by the wider Christian Church that most Catholics aren't actually Christians, that not being a requirement of membership.
Catholicism deviates from Christian teaching in many key areas. Some of those being...
Vicars intercede for God - direct contradiction and one thing Jesus tried to abolish. He famously lost his temper
The Pope isn't a descendant of Peter,and has no authority over the whole church
The Pope isn't what the church is built on. Jesus is - a simple mistranslation
The Pope's words aren't infallible - by a long stretch!
Mary is not God, and cannot be prayed to, along with the rest of the saints - see #1
Mary is a sinner just like other people, she isn't sinless
Catholics do not believe in complete salvation through Christ. Contradicting Christ's words in the Bible
Priests can't make Christians by sprinkling water on people. Only the Holy Spirit can change people according to the Bible
Baptism is a symbolic rite. It is nothing magical
Catholics add books to the Bible
Bread and wine isn't actually the flesh and blood of Jesus. It's a symbol at best.
The whole church is Christs body, the Catholic church says it's only them
There's no such thing as purgatory
RC doctrine contradicts the Bible
Jesus saves by his blood. Catholicism by fire in pergatory
Idolatry is anti Christian - Catholicism removes one of the ten commandments
Christianity states that the Bible is the only source of truth. Catholicism adds tradition and it's own rulings
So, if you're attributing any of the above misconceptions to Christianity then you're wrong. Which is what Kyu attempts to do. Ktu's understanding of Christianity isn't strictly Christianity, but Catholicisms own version which isn't accepted as Christian by the wider Christian Church. That's a fact.