(September 21, 2016 at 5:29 pm)Jesster Wrote: I'm not a fan of Islam, but I'm certainly not accusing Muslims of being terrorists. However, I'm also not about to start believing that ISIS isn't an actual threat from that region. The USA (and other countries) may be guilty of going overboard on accusations of Islam and all things related, but that doesn't mean that there isn't something there to worry about at all. That threat is very real. This is just another conspiracy theory that I will need mountains more evidence for me to even start tiptoeing into.
Saudi Arabia -a major ally of the U.S and the West- is the the country where ISIS mentality originated.
It's no conspiracy theory. This country spent decades of spreading ISIS religion under Western protection.
Saudi Arabia is a country that forbids women from driving cars -just like ISIS-, beheads people as a capital punishment -like ISIS-, carry the same flag but in green like ISIS.
The U.S used them against the soviets in operation cyclone.
Jesster, this is no conspiracy. This is as real as me and you. Search. Yes, Wikipedia might not be that perfect, but a conspiracy theory would not be recorded officially as a fact in it.
Moreover, if this a conspiracy, then why does the victims of 9/11 want to sue Saudies now?
And they should.
But they should sue Bush after that for taking the Sauds as de-facto allies during the war.
The Sauds are ISIS. ISIS Jihadists are Saudi fanatics under the influence of drugs, and the air protection of the whole world -the alliance led by the U.S-. That's why Assad asked for Russia's help to intervene in Syria. That's what one does when they get their asses kicked:they ask for help.
Though, believe me, you'll hear so much about Sykes-Picot 2 in the future.
The time where the region will be cut to pieces just like the first time 100 years ago.
Many Arabs countries will cease to exist, and many "new" countries shall rise; the word "Arab" would mean nothing.
The Sauds though,will not get anything. The camels are hated by everybody -including Muslims-.
The conspiracy is what we see on CNN and mainstream media.