There are a lot of laughs to be had here.
My favourite is how Republicans dig the biggest hole in history, Obama inherits it and the good old boys shamelessly point out his failures. Honestly anywhere else in the world these guys would have had to go away and hide in shame for a decade at least. The failure of the US system didn't surprise me, not after the inadequate response to Enron and Worldcom. I suppose I'm out of touch, I just can't see how spending a trillion in Iraq is OK, it's for freedom, but spending it on healthcare diminishes freedom. Ha ha, funny world isn't it.
My favourite is how Republicans dig the biggest hole in history, Obama inherits it and the good old boys shamelessly point out his failures. Honestly anywhere else in the world these guys would have had to go away and hide in shame for a decade at least. The failure of the US system didn't surprise me, not after the inadequate response to Enron and Worldcom. I suppose I'm out of touch, I just can't see how spending a trillion in Iraq is OK, it's for freedom, but spending it on healthcare diminishes freedom. Ha ha, funny world isn't it.