It's obvious that snow flakes have difficulty in dealing with reality but here's a video that exposes their hypocrisy. It's a very good analysis of the EO and why lefties hate it (Trump did it). When Obama banned starving Venezuelans the lefties didn't say squat because he was their guy. Nor did they give a damn about him dropping over 100,000 bombs on seven countries and causing the refugee problem in the first place. They are so used to fake news that they are now incapable of rational thinking.
Their objective seems to be to turn America into Germany/France/Sweden/England where muslim terrorists have free rein.
Hopefully Trump will be able to turn the tide back into America's favor. He might have to put them on the list as well.
America first!
Their objective seems to be to turn America into Germany/France/Sweden/England where muslim terrorists have free rein.
Hopefully Trump will be able to turn the tide back into America's favor. He might have to put them on the list as well.
America first!