They saved 2 pounds per square meter by using a flammable insulation. And they used a shiny but highly flammable paint for the exterior. It was a fucking kiln waiting to happen.
All to save a small amount of money.
I've witnessed some clowns on Facebook passing a Daily Caller article claiming it was because of "Green regulations". As opposed to cheaping out and buying flammable materials?! Not a day goes by where I seriously wonder about the pervese economic incentives for rags like the Daily Caller and how to destroy it.
They saved 2 pounds per square meter by using a flammable insulation. And they used a shiny but highly flammable paint for the exterior. It was a fucking kiln waiting to happen.
All to save a small amount of money.
I've witnessed some clowns on Facebook passing a Daily Caller article claiming it was because of "Green regulations". As opposed to cheaping out and buying flammable materials?! Not a day goes by where I seriously wonder about the pervese economic incentives for rags like the Daily Caller and how to destroy it.
Slave to the Patriarchy no more