(July 30, 2017 at 5:49 pm)Losty Wrote: I didn't call you a bigot. I simply don't get the purpose of your thread. You basically made a thread that starts with a joke that's not even funny and then told us your neighbor cut down his tree. Ok...probably could have posted that in the what's everyone up to thread but hey you do you.
Also, yes, I actually BBQ kittens on the daily.
I think the purpose is obvious. ALL 7 BILLION OF US ARE THE SAME SPECIES.
Now if your argument is delivery that is a different subject.
Remember your initial objection the next time a theist friend accepts you but still jokes about your non belief. My mom did that with me all the time.
We'd go to the dollar store, an mind you, she was a Catholic, and every time we'd pass a religious themed product she would jokingly offer to buy it for me. My mom was not Italian so you cannot call her Catholic belief a race.
FYI Christianity is not solely Hispanic so I don't see how my joke was "racist". Just like pointing out that Sammy Davis Jr was a Jew is racist.
Our deity beliefs are not in our skin color, those are things handed down to humans. It is impossible to leave one's skin tone, but it is perfectly possible to look at what your parents sell you anywhere in the world and say to oneself "I don't buy that any longer."
Race and religion are artificial constructs humans buy and sell, but we are still the same species. Yes RACISM DOES exist, but not because it is scientific. It exists because humans far too often think locally and are tribal.
If my X wife thought I was a racist when I joked with her "Hey just remember we kicked your ass in WW2" she never would have married me.
It is ok to joke with your fellow humans. Even with edgy humor. It is never ok to think we are a separate species.