"IMO, one of the most masterful forms of the art of mental gymnastics is to make the claim that one's traditional/religious beliefs are based entirely on reason while denying the role that faith and culture plays in the establishment/development of those beliefs: sooner or later, personal/subjective tastes, biases, and truths, all of which are falsifiable, become so reinforced via repetitive cycles of rationalizations and justifications, that they might as well be worshiped as unquestionable, unfalsifiable, and objective truths."
"Perhaps 'the supernatural', which is espoused by humanity's theists, is really just the equivalent of some alien culture's version of a kindergarten-level finger painting project."
"Perhaps 'the supernatural', which is espoused by humanity's theists, is really just the equivalent of some alien culture's version of a kindergarten-level finger painting project."