Min...I LOL'd...repeatedly.
Here was my "evil atheist" response...you can hear the intolerance, and evil spewing forth from my keyborad as I typeth'd it:
I can understand, and even support the defence of faith...but to actively seek out, mock, and belittle those with whom you disagree, specifically within the context of that disagreement is bordering offensive to any belief set. Wouldn't you feel a bit irritated if one of your FB friends called out all Christians with an unprovoked, derisive pictoral comment that chastized them based on their beliefs?
Personally...I take no offense at all; but then again, I have no reason to be offended by that. But...I was just a bit shocked that someone of your intelligence would cast such a condescendingly broad net.
Here was my "evil atheist" response...you can hear the intolerance, and evil spewing forth from my keyborad as I typeth'd it:
I can understand, and even support the defence of faith...but to actively seek out, mock, and belittle those with whom you disagree, specifically within the context of that disagreement is bordering offensive to any belief set. Wouldn't you feel a bit irritated if one of your FB friends called out all Christians with an unprovoked, derisive pictoral comment that chastized them based on their beliefs?
Personally...I take no offense at all; but then again, I have no reason to be offended by that. But...I was just a bit shocked that someone of your intelligence would cast such a condescendingly broad net.
Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata; hiding with the candy, hoping the children do not break through with a stick.