Assembly of God on my mother's side and United Pentecostal (different flavors of Pentecostal, but only the right one isn't going to hell) on my father's; Methodist on my step-father's and Roman Catholic on my step-mother's (until she eventually converted to UPC). My 2nd step-mother was also UPC, she held on over 20 years before divorcing my dad.
I really believed, it never actually had occurred to me that God might not be real, I had never met anyone who even hinted God might not be real. I thought I ought to be devoted and read the Bible. It definitely was an eye-opener.
I really believed, it never actually had occurred to me that God might not be real, I had never met anyone who even hinted God might not be real. I thought I ought to be devoted and read the Bible. It definitely was an eye-opener.
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti-stupid.