Religion is nothing but air, poisonous air that infects everything it touches. It has enslaved Humanity for thousands of years and will not stop until every human is under its control. Religion's like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, etc. have discriminated against free will and natural human behavior and enforces what it believes what is right/wrong, pure/impure, sinful, disgusting etc. Religion was created as a tool for social control, created by primitive man when they weren't the brightest in terms of intelligence. If a member of a religion breaks one of its codes of conducts, according to said religion, it will either be punished in an afterlife or if the religion is based on reincarnation, to be subjected to torment and suffering as a lower societal status (Like in Hinduism where Hindu's see people like sewage workers as being evil in their lasts lives so they throw insults and stuff at these people including small children!). How is it that Christianity, is the most followed of all three Abrahamic religions? Judaism came first, so surely the first rendition must be the true one? They all worship the same god (Yahweh, Allah, and God) but yet this god seems to tell each of these sects different stuff. So if Christianity is the right one, then that must mean the Jews and Muslims who also worship the same god will be sent to hell, then thrown into the Lake Of Fire all because they had the wrong depiction? Christianity also likes to contradict itself a lot, it says as long as you accept Jesus, repent of your sins, and try to be good as much as possible, you will go to Heaven, regardless if you committed "bad" deeds. But other texts in the Bible state that your salvation can be taken away, hypocrisy? Bible also says the condemned will be tortured in hell forever, while it also says their souls will be destroyed forever. Which one will happen? Why is the Bible not being clear? God (and other gods) also never seem to explain or justify why fire and torment is the way to deal with lawbreakers. If Hell was made for Satan and his angels, then why did God just decide to just send them there? Doesn't it defeat the purpose? He never explains why. Is there no humane way to deal with sinners? Why must fire be the only option? No alternatives? Why is God not being clear, instead just making the reader think to themselves what it could mean, not giving a clear, straight answer. Some people don't want to worry overthinking about what happens next , some just want a simple answer, not a complex, complicated one. Religion was created because ancient man saw females giving birth so they thought "Well, we must have came from them, but where is our originator?" Ancient humans of course didn't have big IQ's back then so they couldn't rationally think why we are here. So someone or some people, thought of some beings who created them (somehow) and got together to get the idea of worshiping this being or beings. People seem to think religion is why we have morals and laws, well actually its the opposite. Primitive man just felt what actions they were doing were......unpleasant, and began to feel empathy. And thus morality created religion. But the problem with religion and morality in general, is that it forces upon you to think what is "right" or "wrong" instead of thinking for yourself. If almost all religions claim to be the true one, then why do all the others exist? Why not just battle each other (A massive free-for-all but religions) to the death for supremacy? Prove each others point? Almost every religion also claims there is another life after this one, but yet they provide no evidence and retreat to their holy books as evidence or NDE's they had, when really its been scientifically proven that spiritual NDE's are a result of the brain.
Today, Civilization is the most advanced as it is, but yet, religion still exists. Why? we are so scientifically advanced. We don't need to rely on earlier control methods, i'ts done its part, we need it no more.
Religion is about fear, was created and spread through fear, and is based on fear.
Today, Civilization is the most advanced as it is, but yet, religion still exists. Why? we are so scientifically advanced. We don't need to rely on earlier control methods, i'ts done its part, we need it no more.
Religion is about fear, was created and spread through fear, and is based on fear.