(January 20, 2023 at 3:01 pm)Duty Wrote: LSD - also known as playing Russian Roulette with your mental health.
Granted, a lot of those hippies were probably taking LSD and everything else.
Just from what they say in the video, though, I think there is a respectable side to the movement. In a conformist society, where values are pounded into us from mass media, it makes a lot of sense to step outside for a little while and think about what's really important. It is hard work to reevaluate everything you've been taught.
I know a lot of them were just along for the ride, and it became another fashion -- just another thing to imitate. But some of them were asking serious questions. I think we could use another movement like that.
For example, "Make love not war" is a good thing to say, especially because the mass media really really wants us to approve of one of our current wars.
"Question authority" used to be a motto to live by. Now the "liberals" are happy that the FBI controls content on Twitter and Facebook.