Valkyrie, ok. I commend you for that. As for me, I have not visited Africa. I help out and donate to charities and orphanages back home here in India where I live, both Christian and Secular.
Angrboda, nope. I have answered yours and others questions multiple times, including on that Principle of Contingent Causation thread you mentioned, that I started, that has some 365 replies, and 4500 views, where I've answered each question addressed to me and will continue to in due time. But 360 MN Christians suffering and being persecuted in the world today and the response to them should be very simple, to anyone who has an ounce of Humanity left: "I condemn it, and yes, we should do everything to stop it/ensure it does not happen again/recur", or something like that. Even you would demand say, after 9/11, that moderate Muslims condemn Al Qaeda's actions. And the funny thing is, many of them will. Yet some Atheists will not condemn either the 60 MN people Solzhenitysn mentions as being killed in the Russian Revolution, most of whom were Christians and killed by Atheists - among the worst holocausts of the last century - or the 360 MN Christians being persecuted in the world today, including in Atheistic North Korea and Atheistic China. We stand with every innocent person suffering and don't want anyone to be persecuted for their beliefs, that includes Muslims and Atheists. Christian and Christian majority countries score among the highest on Religious Freedom today and give full freedom to atheists to believe and say what they want. That Atheists in China choose to persecute both Christians and Muslims, and that some Atheists in the West refuse to at least condemn that, is very telling.
The normal Atheism and Theism debate is a question of polite discussion and principled disagreement, an intellectual debate between two ideologies. The fact of 350+ Million Christians suffering terribly in the world today whom hardly anyone, with a few noble exceptions, wants to even talk about, let alone help, and wants to pretend are not suffering terribly, or somehow deserve it because they are Christians, is pathetic. As I mentioned, in Nigeria and elsewhere, Christians are also persecuted, by those who fear they can't stop the Gospel merely with argument and debate. The same they are doing in North Korea and China. Militant Atheism and Radical Islamism, as distinguished from Secular Humanism and Moderate Muslims, are among the 2 greatest ideological forces driving this genocidal persecution. And since Atheistic China is increasingly persecuting Uyghur Muslims too, which we Christians ourselves condemn and fight against, I think you're increasingly going to see Christians and Muslims standing up against Militant Atheism, and Muslim countries finally stopping persecute Christians, and acknowledge that Christians in their countries have the same rights as Muslims in Christian countries, just like Atheists ought to acknowledge of Christians in North Korea and China.
Angrboda, nope. I have answered yours and others questions multiple times, including on that Principle of Contingent Causation thread you mentioned, that I started, that has some 365 replies, and 4500 views, where I've answered each question addressed to me and will continue to in due time. But 360 MN Christians suffering and being persecuted in the world today and the response to them should be very simple, to anyone who has an ounce of Humanity left: "I condemn it, and yes, we should do everything to stop it/ensure it does not happen again/recur", or something like that. Even you would demand say, after 9/11, that moderate Muslims condemn Al Qaeda's actions. And the funny thing is, many of them will. Yet some Atheists will not condemn either the 60 MN people Solzhenitysn mentions as being killed in the Russian Revolution, most of whom were Christians and killed by Atheists - among the worst holocausts of the last century - or the 360 MN Christians being persecuted in the world today, including in Atheistic North Korea and Atheistic China. We stand with every innocent person suffering and don't want anyone to be persecuted for their beliefs, that includes Muslims and Atheists. Christian and Christian majority countries score among the highest on Religious Freedom today and give full freedom to atheists to believe and say what they want. That Atheists in China choose to persecute both Christians and Muslims, and that some Atheists in the West refuse to at least condemn that, is very telling.
The normal Atheism and Theism debate is a question of polite discussion and principled disagreement, an intellectual debate between two ideologies. The fact of 350+ Million Christians suffering terribly in the world today whom hardly anyone, with a few noble exceptions, wants to even talk about, let alone help, and wants to pretend are not suffering terribly, or somehow deserve it because they are Christians, is pathetic. As I mentioned, in Nigeria and elsewhere, Christians are also persecuted, by those who fear they can't stop the Gospel merely with argument and debate. The same they are doing in North Korea and China. Militant Atheism and Radical Islamism, as distinguished from Secular Humanism and Moderate Muslims, are among the 2 greatest ideological forces driving this genocidal persecution. And since Atheistic China is increasingly persecuting Uyghur Muslims too, which we Christians ourselves condemn and fight against, I think you're increasingly going to see Christians and Muslims standing up against Militant Atheism, and Muslim countries finally stopping persecute Christians, and acknowledge that Christians in their countries have the same rights as Muslims in Christian countries, just like Atheists ought to acknowledge of Christians in North Korea and China.