(August 13, 2012 at 1:32 am)Skepsis Wrote: I never said you were wrong, I certainly don't send money oversees. But I do offer charity work for war vets and those that benefit the community. I am 18 and my time was and will be very valuable. I don't currently have money to give to anyone, just time. And I do offer that in places that I can. Don't assume that I am self-absorbed, because I am not.No judgement intended. I just made an observation. In that you did not carry yourself nor had any 'scars' of one who had spent a great deal of time helping people like the boy pictured. Yet you were ready and willing to judge God for something you yourself have never done.
This is critical, because we are told that we will be judged according to how we judge others. Meaning if you are to judge God for not helping then you yourself better have that base covered.
Quote:You are sitting here on a computer when you could be doing any number of things to help others.Actually no I couldn't. (If I am to remain faithful to what i have been given) This is my all in all, I will not brag about what I do, just know that I can not do any more, and I take what little free time I do have and give the lion's share over to you people and a few others in places like this.
Quote: Guaranteed.It's not what you do compared to another that makes your deeds count for the glory of God, it is the condition of one's heart when one is performing that deed. (there is a parable Christ uses to explain this very thing.)
I am not saying you're selfish for not doing this; in fact, I commend you, as you are far more selfless than I if what you say is true. Still, don't act like you have precedence over me when we are both currently sitting at a computer, looking at a screen.
Quote:The power of imagination takes your attention from actually helping those in need?Are you saying that people who come here are less important in God's eyes than those who physically suffer? Who (in the light of eternity) is better off? The one who suffers for 70 years physically, and sits at the right hand of Christ for his suffering brought him Spiritual prosperity. Or the one who is indulged physically, and is lost to eternity?
From God's persepective the one who starves spiritually and is indulged physically suffers the greatest.
Quote:I guarantee you that most everyone here is not spiritually starved as you suggest.I am spiritually starved from thor zeus and allah, and yet i do not sit around with like minded suffers and plot ways to increase my suffering..
Yet here is a web site One of many who's titled purpose is to allow a place for people who supposedly do not believe in God an oppertunity to catagorize all the ways they do not believe.. Why is this needed if one truly does not believe? I do not believe in a great number of things. None of which warrant 15 mins of my time over the entire course of my life time. Yet there are people here who have spent thousands of post and hundreds of hours trying to convince themselves that they do not believe. If you do not believe then remain silent. your silence speaks volumes, while your lengthy objections only say one thing....
Quote:We get along just fine without your God, and because you will never be able to prove that he exists in a way that satisfies anyone other than the gullible, I won't be the first to tell you that you are wasting your time.I have never claimed that i can prove the existance of God. nochristian can to another person. But God can and every Christ can point you in the direction to find God for yourself, if you truly want said proof.
Quote: I assure you, time spent consoling the poor and feeding the hungry is much better spent than the spiritual counseling you provide here. Still, I enjoy the banter and wouldn't want to see you go. Keep that in mind.I do not need to go anywhere that I haven't already been.
Quote:Anyone can spend time on this site.without doubt. But few can accuratly repersent the bible and still navigate these waters semi responsiably. many people in the christian community considerpeople who fancy themselves to be anti God or 'Atheist' to be beyond the need for help. If I had not come from where I came from I would probably think the same.However, Someone took the time to Help me and answered my irreverant questions, and it changed my life. Now I am doing what I can to offer the same service, even though all of my short commings. (Temper, pride, spelling and gramitical errors.)
Quote:I found it rather accessible myself, with the fact that it is one of the first two Google results for "atheist forums". If you feel you are capable of "feeding the Spiritually Hungry" then I assume you believe you can prove God? Where is the thread that you took care of this little tidbit, then?I can not proove anything, but that is the wonderful thing. I don't have to. For God promsies 'Proof' for all who Ask, Seek, and Knock as outlined in Luke 11.
Quote:I'll go ahead and fill you in on what you made clear to me. If it happens in this world, it happens because God willed it so.NO! How many time must we do this???? One last time! God's Plan provides us an oppertunity to choose where we wish to spend eternity. In order to do this we must be set in a place away from the known glory of God. (Apart from His protection and correction) or the Choice we make will not be our own.
If you have a question ask it now do not proceed till you understand this completely
at least read the first few post before yoou assume too much.
Quote:And I feel like I have made it quite clear an equal or greater number of times that planned choice isn't choice it all.I will agree it is not the choice you want and you feel that is not fair. How is that can we agree there?
Quote:What if I told you they did?Then I would ask them for Book Chapter and Verse Like I asked you.
Quote:What if I told you they didn't, but said it was implied?then I would point out that this 'belief' was not biblically based.
Quote:Or, what if they said it was implied and justified it was another chapter and verse tag?Then I would point back to the direct command of Christ when he said: "When you pray, Pray like this..." Again nothing imlied we have a direct command. religious or traditional interpertations do not supperceed direct commands.
Again we do not have anything that says one can not petition God. Matter of fact I do it all the time too. I am just point out this is not a prayer and you should know as it is not a prayer god is not under any obligation to even hear it. If you or 'they' want to be heard by God you will have to humble yourself and follow the model of Prayer Christ left for us.
Quote:Why does it matter?It only matters if you really what to have an oppertunity to speak to God and have Him speak to you back. Otherwise it doesn't.
Quote:This is anecdotal. It illustrates that, no matter who you talk to, they will believe they are right and will dogmatically resume their condition regardless of the differing views that others find valid.Do you know what 'dogma' is? it is the thought that you are right. so yes. no matter what you believe you will dogmatically justify your beliefs with or without the bible.
In other words, you bible means a millions things and one thing at the same time.
I simply say if your trying to worship the God of the bible then it is with the bible one must do it. If you want to pray then it will have to be how Christ shows us, and not by some 'understanding' you thought you had with God in sunday school.