"America was founded on the principles that founded the colonies. The Constitution itself borrows heavily from the charters for these colonies that placed emphasis on religious freedom of expression...to them it was just the Christian religion, but now applies to all religion. I know you said Christianity, but come on, be real. You're trying to apply it to religion in general. It's what you Caucasian Americans do because you're too cowardly to attack the other religions because of political correctness. "
Don't change the subject. Xtianity gave us the Divine Right of Kings. "Render unto Caesar" and other such bullshit The Enlightment gave us the Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
If it was up to jesus freak morons we'd still be saluting that fucking king the Brits had.
BTW, if there is a religion you'd like me to insult that I have somehow missed just name it. ALL religion is fucking bullshit. Xtianity is as equally stupid as any of the others. But you're relatively new. You may have missed some of my best work.
Don't change the subject. Xtianity gave us the Divine Right of Kings. "Render unto Caesar" and other such bullshit The Enlightment gave us the Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
If it was up to jesus freak morons we'd still be saluting that fucking king the Brits had.
BTW, if there is a religion you'd like me to insult that I have somehow missed just name it. ALL religion is fucking bullshit. Xtianity is as equally stupid as any of the others. But you're relatively new. You may have missed some of my best work.