Society is funny that way. What came first; women being good at raising kids or men deciding that they don't like raising kids? Do little girls like dollys because society hands dollys to little girls or does society think little girls should like dollys because history has born out that fact?
How come, when I'm in a conference with my children's teacher, the teacher seems to be focusing on my wife and barely pays me much attention? Can prejudice ever be truely eradicated? Moreover, should prejudice be eradicated, or should we realize that we all have different roles to play?
I honestly don't know the answers for society, but for myself, I take a very active role in many typically feminine roles and see nothing wrong with my choices. I try to maintain a neutral stance when it comes to other people's choices.
How come, when I'm in a conference with my children's teacher, the teacher seems to be focusing on my wife and barely pays me much attention? Can prejudice ever be truely eradicated? Moreover, should prejudice be eradicated, or should we realize that we all have different roles to play?
I honestly don't know the answers for society, but for myself, I take a very active role in many typically feminine roles and see nothing wrong with my choices. I try to maintain a neutral stance when it comes to other people's choices.