This is what all theists want to know. What would make an atheist accept the existence of a deity?
First, what will never get there: people telling me about their favorite deity.
Ever since I was born, the only source of information about any deity, has come to me through other people. Either orally, or through writing, it's always people.
I don't believe what other people say about deities, for the simple reason that I can always find other people claiming similar things about some other deity.
So people or books telling me about deities are not the way to go.
What would do the trick, then?
The deity itself imparting that information on me. Directly, unequivocally.
How, for certain, I don't know.
Perhaps, making me a god for some time. Or just giving me some super-natural powers, such as the ability to regrow amputated limbs, or even decayed brain cells from Alzheimer's patients.
How would I discern it from "aliens did it"? I don't know.
But I'm guessing, if such a deity really wanted me to be aware of its existence, it would find a way.
First, what will never get there: people telling me about their favorite deity.
Ever since I was born, the only source of information about any deity, has come to me through other people. Either orally, or through writing, it's always people.
I don't believe what other people say about deities, for the simple reason that I can always find other people claiming similar things about some other deity.
So people or books telling me about deities are not the way to go.
What would do the trick, then?
The deity itself imparting that information on me. Directly, unequivocally.
How, for certain, I don't know.
Perhaps, making me a god for some time. Or just giving me some super-natural powers, such as the ability to regrow amputated limbs, or even decayed brain cells from Alzheimer's patients.
How would I discern it from "aliens did it"? I don't know.
But I'm guessing, if such a deity really wanted me to be aware of its existence, it would find a way.