L.O.L. You wouldn't know what the definition of reason was if I smacked you in the face with a dictionary opened to the page "reason" is on with highlighter liberally applied all over it. It could literally be applied to your face at full force and it would not register. I tear your argument apart and you revert to hypothetical vagueries that apply to nothing at all and exist only in your own, very-empty head. No, do go on about the principles of reasoning! Why don't you tell me I just committed another fallacy! You could say...OH, I KNOW! You could say I made an appeals to authority! Or special pleading! You know, everything you've already committed that I haven't! I mean you already went with straw-man when none was there! Do go on! I'm actually laughing uproariously right now at how typical your reaction is to every other theist I've schooled so thoroughly; "quick! Pretend to know what I'm talking about by throwing big words around! That'll really throw them off!"
Except you don't. And I haven't been. You're about as transparent as saran wrap. Go back to high school. Do some learning. I make sandwiches for a living and I'm smarter than you, it seems. Think about that for...the rest of your life.
Except you don't. And I haven't been. You're about as transparent as saran wrap. Go back to high school. Do some learning. I make sandwiches for a living and I'm smarter than you, it seems. Think about that for...the rest of your life.