Also today:
In 1913, the banker J.P Morgan died.
In 1933, after seizing power over the central goverment Hitler initiates nazi takeover of all regional German goverments.
In 1973, Czech writer Ota Pavel dies
1980, American athlete Jesse Owens dies
In 1966, the first man made satilite orbits the moon.
In 1991, the Warsaw pact is disbanded.
In 1964, the Brazilian army overthrows the democraticaly elected goverment.
and more and more and more things which are of bigger significants than protohistoric zombie day
In 1913, the banker J.P Morgan died.
In 1933, after seizing power over the central goverment Hitler initiates nazi takeover of all regional German goverments.
In 1973, Czech writer Ota Pavel dies
1980, American athlete Jesse Owens dies
In 1966, the first man made satilite orbits the moon.
In 1991, the Warsaw pact is disbanded.
In 1964, the Brazilian army overthrows the democraticaly elected goverment.
and more and more and more things which are of bigger significants than protohistoric zombie day