(September 19, 2013 at 3:54 pm)Statler Waldorf Wrote: Four times as many authors mention Jesus within the first 150 years of his life than mention Caesar TiberiusUnsupported assertion.
Quote:Secondly, I do not reject evolution because of any “lack of evidence”, I reject it because of evidence to the contrary.Thank you. You admit that you reject scholarly consensus when it doesn't support your position, favoring pseudo-science instead.
Quote:The Iliad never claims to be historically accurate, is written by one author, and is not well attested to at all (earliest manuscripts we have date to 500 years after the original and we have fewer than 700 of them, compared with over 24,000 of the NT). Got anything else you’d like to toss out and see if it sticks?I just love that argument. A lie repeated 24,000 times becomes true.
Quote:Stop with the question-begging epithets, we’re not talking about mythology.
Yes we are. I see no reason to take Christian stories about Jesus any more seriously than I take ancient Greek stories about Hercules.
Quote:It’s obvious what this comes down to is, “DP doesn’t like the claims of the NT; therefore the NT is not historically accurate.”
Again, it's not a matter of liking. It's a matter of fanciful woo being written into history with no evidence.
Quote:That is irrational and not how we do scholarship. Bart Ehrman does not like the claims of the NT either, but he still views it as the best attested work of antiquity we have.How sad. Maybe one day we'll live in a truly rational world where woo will be recognized as woo.
Quote:You’ve already been shown the facts.
No, you haven't.
Quote:When dealing with someone as biased as you are it’s not about what I can prove, it’s about what proof you’ll arbitrarily reject.I used to believe in a Historical Jesus. Now I don't because I've found no proof that there was one. I used to be a conservative Republican. Now I'm a liberal Democrat because of what I learned. I have more than demonstrated in my life being perfectly willing to say "I was wrong" and changing my beliefs when I'm exposed to new evidence. Show me the evidence and you have my attention.
Quote:He doesn’t need to convince others, everyone else agrees with him. You can always find a small minority of the population who will deny historical facts like the moon landing, holocaust, and the existence of Jesus. No amount of proof will ever convince them because they’re not rational people.
You've been warned before about how poisoning the well through false association is a deceptive tactic. Now I'm calling you out on it.
Do you wish to have a rational discussion about this or are you going to use more deceptive tactics?
Quote:You’re knowledgeable of all of the evidence in regards to common descent?
Not all of it but enough.
Quote:You seriously do not know which manuscripts support the existence of Jesus?
The most powerful one I've seen are the Annals of Tacitus, which are late (2nd century), contain at least one altered word we know of and are so oblique they don't mention Jesus by name and are written in a fashion that suggests he could have been passing on what he'd heard from them.
Please do tell if you have something better. I'm seeing a lot of petulant ad hominems and deceptive tactics from you but so far not one shred of evidence.
Atheist Forums Hall of Shame:
"The trinity can be equated to having your cake and eating it too."
... -Lucent, trying to defend the Trinity concept
"(Yahweh's) actions are good because (Yahweh) is the ultimate standard of goodness. That’s not begging the question"
... -Statler Waldorf, Christian apologist
"The trinity can be equated to having your cake and eating it too."
... -Lucent, trying to defend the Trinity concept
"(Yahweh's) actions are good because (Yahweh) is the ultimate standard of goodness. That’s not begging the question"
... -Statler Waldorf, Christian apologist