There are many conspiracy theories about how 'they' are keeping the 'real' truth from us. Share your favorite! I'll start.
There is an idea going around the internet that when planes fly by and make con-trails the reason they stay in the air so long is because the government/illuminati are inserting mind-control/cancer causing agents into the fuel of the jets making the trails. My favorite thing about this particular conspiracy theory is that people have used the work of Willhelm Reiche (Came up with orgone theory) to validate the construction of devices meant to eliminate negative energy and bust clouds.
Here is a website that tells how to build a cloudbuster:
Apparently suspending bits of metal inside of a viscoelastic polymer pleases god or frightens evil spirits?! I'll stick with my tiger scaring ring thank you very much!
There is an idea going around the internet that when planes fly by and make con-trails the reason they stay in the air so long is because the government/illuminati are inserting mind-control/cancer causing agents into the fuel of the jets making the trails. My favorite thing about this particular conspiracy theory is that people have used the work of Willhelm Reiche (Came up with orgone theory) to validate the construction of devices meant to eliminate negative energy and bust clouds.
Here is a website that tells how to build a cloudbuster:
Apparently suspending bits of metal inside of a viscoelastic polymer pleases god or frightens evil spirits?! I'll stick with my tiger scaring ring thank you very much!