Ok, no offense, but you’ve got to figure out the quote thing. It’s almost impossible to know what you posted v. what someone else posted, so I’ll try and address what YOU posted (I think).
How does shifting the burden from the Feds to the states reduce costs of operation in parks, etc.? You think the Feds are just automatically more expensive?
Cutting staff levels? Seriously? They’re already doing more with a lot less. Clearly you’re not aware of the extent to which the Obama Administration made cuts to Federal staffing when he first came into office: Fed Jobs Decline Under Obama
As for the First Lady not having staff, wow. You really don’t know what they do, do you? Think she just sits around all day, eating bon bons and watching the soaps? She serves as a surrogate for her husband, makes many official appearances and shares her home daily with the public. She also advocates for her personal causes – as all First Ladies traditionally have. But you honestly think she should be back in the kitchen making shit on a shingle for hubby when he gets home? Ignorance on a breathtaking scale. But hey, I’m pretty sure that even if we eliminated every single staff position for her and Vice President Biden’s wife, it wouldn’t make a noticeable dent in reduction of the debt. Do you?
Keep our military home? Ok, again, this is the sort of ignorance I’m talking about. Do you honestly have no idea the extent to which our interests lie abroad? I do think there are absolutely places where we oughtn’t be sticking our noses (invading Iraq comes to mind), but again, you can't take an all-or-nothing approach to this. And I’m not saying we can’t cut military and defense. These are in fact very bloated budgets. But you have to do it thoughtfully, gradually and with care. Remember, too, a lot of Americans rely on the industrial military complex for their livelihood. How many good, patriotic Americans do you want to throw out of work all at once, anyway?? Why do you hate America??
Social Security like a ROTH IRA? Oh, dear. Do you not remember 2008 through 2010? What if you happened to be retiring then? No, thanks. And again – how does that save money? You haven’t drawn a nexus between those two things, privatizing SS and governmental spending. Will you explain that to me?
I prefer Netanyahu's approach to a Constitutional Amendment. It's already hard enough to get good people to run for public office without threatening them with forfeited pay and fines.
I’m sorry, but you have so much homework to do. Stop taking your talking points from Fox News. Start by researching historical tax rates for both corporations and individuals. That alone should leave your jaw on the floor.
How does shifting the burden from the Feds to the states reduce costs of operation in parks, etc.? You think the Feds are just automatically more expensive?
Cutting staff levels? Seriously? They’re already doing more with a lot less. Clearly you’re not aware of the extent to which the Obama Administration made cuts to Federal staffing when he first came into office: Fed Jobs Decline Under Obama
As for the First Lady not having staff, wow. You really don’t know what they do, do you? Think she just sits around all day, eating bon bons and watching the soaps? She serves as a surrogate for her husband, makes many official appearances and shares her home daily with the public. She also advocates for her personal causes – as all First Ladies traditionally have. But you honestly think she should be back in the kitchen making shit on a shingle for hubby when he gets home? Ignorance on a breathtaking scale. But hey, I’m pretty sure that even if we eliminated every single staff position for her and Vice President Biden’s wife, it wouldn’t make a noticeable dent in reduction of the debt. Do you?
Keep our military home? Ok, again, this is the sort of ignorance I’m talking about. Do you honestly have no idea the extent to which our interests lie abroad? I do think there are absolutely places where we oughtn’t be sticking our noses (invading Iraq comes to mind), but again, you can't take an all-or-nothing approach to this. And I’m not saying we can’t cut military and defense. These are in fact very bloated budgets. But you have to do it thoughtfully, gradually and with care. Remember, too, a lot of Americans rely on the industrial military complex for their livelihood. How many good, patriotic Americans do you want to throw out of work all at once, anyway?? Why do you hate America??
Social Security like a ROTH IRA? Oh, dear. Do you not remember 2008 through 2010? What if you happened to be retiring then? No, thanks. And again – how does that save money? You haven’t drawn a nexus between those two things, privatizing SS and governmental spending. Will you explain that to me?
I prefer Netanyahu's approach to a Constitutional Amendment. It's already hard enough to get good people to run for public office without threatening them with forfeited pay and fines.
I’m sorry, but you have so much homework to do. Stop taking your talking points from Fox News. Start by researching historical tax rates for both corporations and individuals. That alone should leave your jaw on the floor.