(November 5, 2013 at 9:36 am)bladevalant546 Wrote: It does make me happy that some billionares do not have sociopathic disorders unlike most of them. However, saying they feel sad and actually trying to subvert the 2nd American Gilded Age is another thing. Capitialism has become a religion due to Cold War propaganda and the baby boomers champion their slave masters. I cannot help but feel cynical towards this, because I feel very little change will ever come to this country with out the support of the people. As far as I see people are drawn to their cages and will fight to defend them.
Boy do I get a lip twitch when people misuse the word "capitalism". IT IS NOT A FORM OF GOVERNMENT.
Gaddafi was a billionaire who owned stock in GE. Saudi Arabia makes money off the monopoly of oil they sell to the world and is in control of a select few. China capitalizes off the sale of cheap goods and slave wages to the rest of the world.
The issue is more of what you say, sociopaths, not wealth itself. If some wealthy people can come to this conclusion, then the issue is climate change to increase this attitude in more wealthy people, not try to end all private business ownership itself.
Monopolies of power are the problem, pay inequity is the problem, not wealth itself.