(December 17, 2013 at 11:34 am)Raeven Wrote: Not much. I'm aware of a lot of men who didn't/don't pay their child support.
Are they legally excused from paying it or can the mother still drag them to court.
(December 17, 2013 at 11:34 am)Raeven Wrote: And anyway, why shouldn't he pay child support? Oh, wait -- he WASN'T half responsible for the "consequences" of his decision to have sex?
While the woman had the CHOICE to avoid the consequences of having sex if she'd chosen to terminate the pregnancy - no such choice was available to the man.
(December 17, 2013 at 11:34 am)Raeven Wrote: I can't decide which side of the abortion issue you're on. Is she irresponsible if she has the baby? Or if she chooses to abort?
I'm pro-choice - through and through. The question of irresponsibility here does not matter. Whether or not they were being irresponsible, the woman gets to choose whether or not to avoid having the responsibility of the baby. The man is stuck with her choice - which as a pro-choice advocate, I find galling.
(December 17, 2013 at 11:34 am)Raeven Wrote: Here's the point: If the man "chooses" to stick around or if he doesn't, the woman must live with the result of an unwanted pregnancy no matter what choice he makes. She HAS no choice in the matter. Guy takes off for Bimini? She still has the baby. Don't you see that? Really?
But she does have a choice - of terminating it. And as decisions go, that one is easier to carry out that abandoning your life, your job, your friends and your family and moving to Bimini.