(February 19, 2014 at 9:23 am)TaraJo Wrote: When I first started dating my boyfriend, it caused him a bit of a crisis of faith. He was raised Mormon and was still emotionally vested in the church, but he knew he couldn't both be Mormon and queer. Since then, he's been on a bit of a search for answers or a spiritual path that works for him; it would be easy for me to talk him into becoming an atheist, especially when you consider how passionate he is about science, but that isn't really what I want. I just want him to be able to give intelligent answers if someone were to ask him why he believes what he believes and to be able to discuss his faith, or lack thereof if he turns to atheism.
And I think that's pretty much what I'd want of anyone of any religion: I don't care so much what you believe as long as you can be intelligent about it. Idiots with shallow answers are good only for making fun of (and Spaghetti Monster knows we get plenty of those in here).
I think it speaks volumes about you that you would start up a relationship with a believer. Even more so that you don't use your powers of manipulation to try to turn him completely away from his religion. You are a smart one.
Frankly I'm not at all sure I could do the same. My wife is so atheist that she just doesn't see anything to discuss about it.