Thnx. The thing is: I've often wondered how christians decide which parts of their bible are true. I've seen many answers and they all seem arbitrary to me.
In your faith this problem would multiply. You have to somehow decide
-which books are holy
- which parts of these books supercede other parts that are internally inconsistent
- and which fragments of holy books supercede the fragments of other books that are at odds.
Is there a mechanism? You were confident answering Frodo on the divinity of jesus issue, so I'm guessing there is.
On a related note I'm Also curious if Dianetics and the book of mormon count as a holy book. And why they do or don't.
In your faith this problem would multiply. You have to somehow decide
-which books are holy
- which parts of these books supercede other parts that are internally inconsistent
- and which fragments of holy books supercede the fragments of other books that are at odds.
Is there a mechanism? You were confident answering Frodo on the divinity of jesus issue, so I'm guessing there is.
On a related note I'm Also curious if Dianetics and the book of mormon count as a holy book. And why they do or don't.