Morality from God is not objective morality. It is authoritarian morality. There is a difference. I like to use the word "objective morality" as relying on values that every person can refer to and reference.
I'm going to ramble a bit here but when you say we are going in circles by asking why we go after what is good for us you are sounding like you are quoting the law of identity. A is A. A rock is a rock and no amount of wishing will make it not a rock.
But to get back, why do we do that which promotes well-being? Because we value life and happiness. Why do we value life and happiness? Because we live. Because we feel joy. Because we feel empathy for other beings. These are objective facts about human beings. Refering to them as a basis for a moral system is perfectly valid.
Basing a morality on the whims of a supernatural lawgiver is not objective. Upon what are his whims based? How does he judge right from wrong? What standards does he use? And importantly on that last, what if his standards are opposite to ours? What if what God says is moral is harmful to us?
I'm going to ramble a bit here but when you say we are going in circles by asking why we go after what is good for us you are sounding like you are quoting the law of identity. A is A. A rock is a rock and no amount of wishing will make it not a rock.
But to get back, why do we do that which promotes well-being? Because we value life and happiness. Why do we value life and happiness? Because we live. Because we feel joy. Because we feel empathy for other beings. These are objective facts about human beings. Refering to them as a basis for a moral system is perfectly valid.
Basing a morality on the whims of a supernatural lawgiver is not objective. Upon what are his whims based? How does he judge right from wrong? What standards does he use? And importantly on that last, what if his standards are opposite to ours? What if what God says is moral is harmful to us?