(September 2, 2014 at 7:15 pm)onebluethinker Wrote:Yeah, that's good enough.(September 2, 2014 at 6:57 pm)pocaracas Wrote: ok, first things first.
How old are you?
I'm guessing young enough to be in mamma's home. Take your mum's advice and don't make waves.... don't worry about it. Let it be. Let your parents think what they want to think... but, from now on, you may find yourself away from certain people and close to others who "will bring you back into the faith", with a mum pulling the strings.
Second, where are you?
US bible belt? Norway? India? Argentina?
You have an atheist friend... a female friend....... I guess you can tell her about your lack of faith in your old religion, even after telling her about it, as if it was your current one. She should understand your requirement for concealment of the lack of religiosity. If she doesn't, then she's stupid.
Yes, there are stupid atheists! There are idiot atheists! There are screwed up atheists! There are psychotic atheists.
But, considering her interest in your old religion, I'd say she's got a few marbles in her head.
Understandably I don't want to put a big list of personal info on the web but I will tell you this: I'm in high school but very young for my grade. I live in the US but outside the Bible Belt. I deconverted from a minority religion.
I'm from Europe, Portugal, Lisbon. Around here, most people are completely relaxed about religion. Whoever wants to do religion does it, who doesn't want to do it, doesn't do it. We're all friends at the end of the day.
It would do some good to a lot of US citizens to spend some time in a different culture, like the one found in most of Western Europe.
Minority religion... dare I guess.... mormon?
(September 2, 2014 at 7:15 pm)onebluethinker Wrote: I doubt my mother will seriously think about reconverting me since she never believed me in the first place, but thanks for the heads up.You're the person who's been with her for all your life... not me. You should be able to tell those things better than anyone.
Then again, some people can surprise you after decades of knowing them and living with them... you never know.
(September 2, 2014 at 7:15 pm)onebluethinker Wrote: I'm not very good at expressing myself so I can't exactly blame you for your judgements about my friend; but I will tell you this: she's perfectly sane, a very tolerant atheist, and she was just expressing a natural curiosity in foreign customs and stuff like that. Also why the wink?Ah, the wink... I like to wink.
In portuguese, every noun has a gender. So when you say the portuguese word for "friend", it already carries the gender of the friend and you don't need to specify "female friend".
Here's how it is:
male friend: amigo (you've probably heard this through mexican-spanish)
female friend: amiga
The friend: o amigo / a amiga
The friends: os amigos / as amigas
It's one of those language quirks that make people from the north of Europe sound retarded for not grasping, even after living in here for years!

Then you have the polish which make everyone sound retarded for not getting their declinations.... :-s
(September 2, 2014 at 7:15 pm)onebluethinker Wrote: I don't know if anyone is still reading this, but thanks everyone for your advice about telling atheist friends. Question: What about Christian friends? I have a vey close friend who is Christian, and I'm pretty sure she'd be supportive because she also happens to be friends with one of my atheist friends. Any advice? I'm feeling better alreadyDoes she know that the other atheist friend is an atheist?
If she's ok with the other, why would she have a problem with you?